born teacher in a sentence

Use “born teacher” in a sentence | “born teacher” example sentences

1- He was a natural-born teacher.

2- Erin is a born teacher of the light.

3- Many gifted and born teachers have left the teaching profession.

4- It is this which is the mark of the born teacher .

5- He has been described as a born teacher and gave meticulously prepared public lectures.

6- She she’s a born teacher .

7- He was a born teacher , and pupils almost fought to attend his classes.

8- Because Karajan was a born teacher , he was always interested in young musicians.

9- Erica was a born teacher .

10- Russell Brain comments that while Head was a physician by profession, he was a born teacher .

11- Anyway, during that year he learnt that he was a born teacher , even a quintessential schoolmaster.

12- He was a born teacher , and this work was not to be done mainly from the professor’s chair.

13- She was considered a born teacher and a friendly, motherly influence on her pupils, who included Marie-Adélaïde of Savoy.

14- Muriel is a born teacher and is greatly appreciated by the staff and pupils of the schools in which she teaches PE.

15- He was the great expounder of Freemasonry and its symbolism, a born teacher , constantly writing and improving on his work.

16- People often say that Leonard Bernstein was a born teacher , but actually it’s more accurate to say that he was a born student who just couldn’t wait to share what he learned.

17- Like his father, Edward was a born teacher , and he guided Helen’s reading further into his own thorough knowledge of Wordsworth, Shelley, and Byron.

18- From opposite ends of England the academics said that this was a born teacher who ought to be in teaching as soon as possible.

19- Thus, they are born teachers , but of adults rather than children, and it is ideas they seek to impart with the greatest pleasure rather than facts.

20- He was a born teacher and soon found that he gained great fulfillment by teaching and training others for the profession for which he was so ably fitted.

21- Portugheis told Stein that although Guller was not a born teacher , she had ‘sufficient time and patience’ to show him ‘the secret of her art’.

22- He is a born teacher , who always keeps his pupil in mind, gently leads him from point to point and is always ready to anticipate his next question or objection.

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