sharpened in a sentence

Use ‘sharpened’ in a sentence | ‘sharpened’ example sentences

1- The coup attempt sharpened domestic political rivalries.

2- The bronze blade is sharpened on both edges.

3- But skills are built and attention sharpened .

4- Our vision is sharpened with this tool.

5- The eyes sharpened a little with forced awareness.

6- These meetings sharpened our understanding and helped develop independent thinking.

7- It sharpened the pain above my left eye.

8- Best safety requires that the chain is properly sharpened .

9- Lower tax rates have sharpened incentives in business.

10- Have these professionally sharpened once every two years.

11- The best is sharpened by the best.

12- Get your shorthand skills sharpened and come through.

13- In some kind of witch tower sharpened some princess.

14- A chill sharpened the flavour of the water.

15- Matt uses his sharpened senses to train himself in martial arts.

16- Two incidents sharpened their interest in an alternative leadership.

17- The sensation sharpened and she gave it more attention.

18- They also switched from worked bone tools to sharpened stone tools.

19- The animal slaughtered must be killed quickly with a sharpened blade.

20- The upper inclined portion of the blade may be sharpened .

21- To strike with the sharpened edge is to “chop”.

22- His writings were sharpened and made more poignant by his troubles.

23- The borders of edit boxes and drop downs have been sharpened .

24- It refined my writing ability and sharpened my listening .

25- Me thinks me hath sharpened up my blade too much!

26- His teeth appear as sharpened white points when he speaks.

27- Wycliffe’s manner betrayed nothing of his sharpened interest.

28- The repair shop sharpened ploughs and repaired trucks.

29- Grey light glanced off polished and sharpened antler.

30- These graves contained burials goods like jewelry and sharpened splint.

31- This sharpened the “steering without inducing a nervous twitch.

32- In the sharpened image the fibrous elements are more conspicuous.

33- Feathered or leather wings might shoot out sharpened spines.

34- These anxieties were mercilessly sharpened by the popular press.

35- It also causes sharpened burning agony and shivering sensations.

36- The peeler machine is continuously sharpened as it spins .

37- But it was new, freshly polished and sharpened .

38- All of a sudden, the moral issue is sharpened .

39- A ditch: with sharpened stakes at the bottom.

40- With her marvellous brain she sharpened people’s wits. I sharpened a pencil with a knife.

41- The knight sharpened his sword in preparation for battle.

42- He honed his skills as a candidate, sharpened his message and became a stronger debater.

43- It allows photos to be sharpened after they are taken or to be edited with blur filters.

44- I’ve blown it up and sharpened it so everyone can see a little more clearly what’s going on.”

45- One end was sharpened to a point, and the other was curved into a loop.

46- The sword is sharp, and cuts on contact but begins to dull if not sharpened regularly.

47- World War I further sharpened the conflict between Dutch and French speakers in Belgium.

48- Walls were lined with newspapers pasted or pinned up with small, sharpened sticks to keep dirt from flaking into the home’s interior.

49- Vocabulary and use of grammar are sharpened in Freshmen and Sophomore English.

50- I * Incannel – the concave surface of a gouge; a gouge sharpened on the concave surface.

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