sharpest in a sentence

Use ‘sharpest’ in a sentence | ‘sharpest’ example sentences

1- This is among the sharpest 4″ class telescopes ever offered.

2- This rebound effect was sharpest in places without concurrent handheld bans .

3- That is where presence will be sharpest .

4- That was the sharpest increase since February .

5- Summer displays the sharpest difference between the coastal and inland climates.

6- His sharpest criticism is often reserved for the Germans.

7- The sharpest decreases by far occurred in Europe.

8- Besides my rake, the sharpest weapon ever.

9- The sharpest increase however occurred 30 minutes after waking on workdays.

10- Which of my lenses are the sharpest ?

11- November’s drop in wholesale prices was the sharpest since May.

12- I was very shy and not the sharpest of children.

13- The sequences have also drawn the sharpest criticisms from reviewers.

14- It employs many of the sharpest minds in Britain.

15- This should be the sharpest point in the image.

16- It tends to be worst with the sharpest lenses.

17- Certainly not the sharpest tool in the shed!

18- Carefully planned hunting also cushions the sharpest fluctuations.

19- The sword was one of the sharpest I have ever seen.

20- It’s the year’s sharpest hit of street philosophy.

21- Jonathan Chait is arguably the sharpest political writer of his generation.

22- One of the sharpest lenses you can get.

23- Balzac treated this attack of devotion with the sharpest disapproval.

24- The Leica is over all the sharpest ,by very little.

25- The alteration in Southey’s politics was the sharpest .

26- Hands-on experience can be the sharpest teacher .

27- Stimulated and challenged, they then bring sharpest focus to bear.

28- Bb5+ Carlsen avoided the sharpest main lines.

29- Italy recorded the sharpest contraction , withe output falling by 2.7pc.

30- Flack ‘s edge is sharpest when she confronts kitsch head on.

31- Image quality – one of the sharpest macro lenses you can get.

32- This image is the sharpest view of the dense dust in M51.

33- Going Deep with the NFL’s sharpest Weapon”.

34- Wu-Tang is a sword style, and this here is the sharpest .

35- It was at the engine-house outside that the sharpest struggle took place.

36- This control adjusts CRT focus to obtain the sharpest , most-detailed trace.

37- Not the sharpest but sharp enough.

38- Yet the book’s sharpest asset is its avoidance of simplified character clichés.

39- The steepest gradient was 1 in 11 and the sharpest curve 1.4 chains.

40- It is literally a cat-and-mouse game of snipers where the sharpest eye wins . Joseph Stalin once stated that print is the sharpest and the strongest weapon of the communist party.

41- There is a Gaelic proverb which observes that some of the sweetest berries grow among the sharpest thorns.

42- Knives made by the ancient Mayas are considered the sharpest knives ever to exist, and were used in their sacrificial rituals.

43- Nelson Mandela once stated, “The soil of our country is destined to be the scene of the fiercest fight, and the sharpest struggles to rid our continent of the last vestiges of white minority rule.

44- “He also helped create the Rutles, perhaps the sharpest Beatles parody.

45- Jindal, one of Trump’s sharpest critics, quickly picked up on that theme.

46- The regret seems sharpest when she writes about putting her family in the public eye.

47- The sharpest declines occurred with Hispanics, African Americans, and lower-income Americans.

48- The screen has a 5.2″ Quad HD display, which is the sharpest display available today at 565 ppi.

49- Zipfel has been called “one of the sharpest strategic minds in the NBA.

50- ” * Corneta – Translates to horn, used as an adjective to imply some one is not the sharpest tool in th shed.

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