sharpened in a sentence 2

Use ‘sharpened’ in a sentence | ‘sharpened’ example sentences

51- This device is less in use nowadays because of the injury hazard presented by the sharpened tip.

52- The sharpened Romberg does have an early learning effect that will plateau between the third and fourth attempts.

53- This second assignment, while removed from the battlefield, sharpened his strategic skills.

54- The blade is heavier than that of the sickle and sharpened, whereas most sickles had serrated blades.

55- Skill is needed to not break the tip of the pencil being sharpened, losing the result of work immediately.

56- This is quicker to use than swapping between a chisel and a separate lever, safer than using a carefully sharpened chisel edge for levering.

57- As commonly practiced in the early 1900s, Arabs used finely sharpened fillet knives to preserve the meats natural tenderness and avoid depleting it of natural juices.

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