sharped in a sentence

Use ‘sharped’ in a sentence | ‘sharped’ example sentences

1- His plane is a red biplane with sharped wings and tail.

2- Most scales require that some notes be consistently sharped or flatted.

3- Now you notice that the F is still sharped but we added another sharp, C.

4- A note that has been sharped or flatted ( or is that “sharpened” and “flattened”?

5- His harmonic idiom displays a changing palette of colors marked by simultaneous cross-relations, the Lydian sharped fourth, and combinations of this sharped fourth and Mixolydian flatted seventh.

6- His harmonic idiom displays a changing palette of colors marked by simultaneous cross-relations, the Lydian sharped fourth, and combinations of this sharped fourth and Mixolydian flatted seventh.

7- To add to the confusion, sometimes nodes can be ” sharped ,” and since the names of nodes and their positions are different for each genre, these will also vary.

8- Đầu Gá»— cave (literally: “the end of wooden bars” cave): these wooden bars in this cave are the remnants of sharped wooden columns built under the water level by the order of Trần HÆ°ng Đạo commander in order to sink Mongolian invaders’ ships in the 13th century.

9- Folk harps with levers installed have a lever close to the top of each string; when it is engaged, it shortens the string so its pitch is raised a semitone, resulting in a sharped note if the string was a natural, or a natural note if the string was a flat.

10- Ram Board I use a lot of Ram board , But beware if you think heavy or sharped edges could be dropped use hard board .

11- Scraped a gold claw and sharped a silver tooth

12- For example, one sharp (F) in the key signature of a piece in a major key indicates the key of G major, the next note above F. (Six sharps, the last one being E (an enharmonic spelling of F) indicate the key of F major, since F has already been sharped in the key signature.)

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