sharks in a sentence

Use ‘sharks’ in a sentence | ‘sharks’ example sentences

1- The sharks alone are each worth several thousand dollars.

2- We must stop being prejudiced against sharks .

3- Tiger sharks normally swim using small body movements.

4- These sharks have long been scientifically investigated.

5- These sharks bear live young in shallow bays.

6- This movie has really given sharks a bad rap.

7- A recent report estimated that humans kill 100 million sharks annually.

8- All sharks are dangerous and unpredictable creatures.

9- sharks are highly sensitive animals with highly developed sensory systems.

10- This species may fall prey to larger sharks .

11- sharks won that game 44–12.

12- Many sharks were later seen near the position.

13- sharks often employ complex hunting strategies to engage large prey animals.

14- Larger sharks generally move longer distances than smaller ones.

15- They display aggression towards sharks and smaller dolphin species.

16- sharks are often killed for shark fin soup.

17- The low stakes keep the sharks away.

18- The sharks have been pretty much going undetected .

19- Also meet 125 species of sharks here .

20- These rays are closely related to sharks .

21- The nurse sharks and sting rays got competition now.

22- They are like sharks circling their prey.

23- We counted 34 bull sharks in this shot.

24- How big are the white sharks and tigers?

25- Do the sharks ever attack the cage?

26- Where was the transport taking the sharks ?

27- Higher numbers of sharks means more encounters with human beings.

28- None of the sharks caught were great whites.

29- Among the local fishes were sharks and rays.

30- Primitive armored fishes and sharks were also present.

31- The female bamboo sharks had laid eggs in the past.

32- How have sharks become trained to follow fishermen?

33- Individual sharks choose sites giving them the best ambush success.

34- Potential predators of the night shark include larger sharks .

35- Horn sharks hunt mainly using their sense of smell.

36- Tiger sharks may also have been involved.

37- Elephant seals are prey for killer whales and white sharks .

38- Three sharks were built for the film.

39- They are typical of sharks and rays.

40- Social aggregation is well documented in grey reef sharks . I’ve heard it said that sharks are immune to cancer.

41- sharks are infamous for their blood thirsty natures.

42- sharks, like people, take years to mature, and have few babies.

43- sharks are generally aggressive only if threatened or disturbed.

44- There are approximately 370 different kinds of sharks in the world.

45- sharks are common in the waters here, so be careful when you’re out swimming.

46- The sharks feasted on the dead whale until nothing was left but bones and bits of skin.

47- Crocodiles prey on anything from insects and bats to sharks, antelope and even buffalo.

48- The depiction of sharks in popular movies has made these fish the most feared animals in the sea.

49- Scientists have demonstrated that sharks are able to learn at a rate similar to white rats and pigeons.

50- sharks have a sixth sense which enables them to detect bio-electrical fields radiated by other sea creatures.

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