shareware in a sentence

Use ‘shareware’ in a sentence | ‘shareware’ example sentences

1- There are many top quality terminal programs available through shareware .

2- A shareware version is available for evaluation.

3- shareware means buying computer software with the lowest possible risk.

4- The shareware release contains one episode consisting of ten levels.

5- shareware is available on all major personal computer platforms.

6- It is available at low cost as shareware .

7- There is also a fast growing collection of shareware databases.

8- My other question involves the distribution rights of shareware titles.

9- The very latest version of the world-famous shareware word processor.

10- These scripts are provided as shareware with no warranty.

11- You usually find shareware authors are very responsive to suggestions and ideas.

12- Many shareware developers are individual computer programmers who develop their own product.

13- Don Bradbury reviews two speciality databases from shareware .

14- Those are the major weaknesses of all shareware .

15- Most conferences also have tables devoted to shareware .

16- Spyware may get installed via certain shareware programs offered for download.

17- The first episode of “Blood” was released as shareware .

18- So please register the shareware software if you find it useful.

19- It is available to download for your evaluation as shareware .

20- An excellent addition to one of the shareware greats.

21- Meanwhile, the Mac shareware market has been doing alright.

22- shareware is a portmanteau word combining share and software.

23- This spelled the end of bulletin board systems and shareware disk distributors.

24- My brother convinced me to make it shareware .

25- Transend are continually looking for shareware that spans a wide spectrum.

26- WinKarst is a shareware program and is copyrighted.

27- The concept of shareware is still not understood by all.

28- One of the best versions of Trek available on shareware .

29- Miller suggested that they develop shareware games that he would distribute.

30- Also a community of people who shared with extremely little shareware .

31- shareware does not have an author but a proper name.

32- Great for shareware or for distribution of text disks.

33- The original game had three episodes, the first distributed as shareware .

34- There are quite a range of PC shareware languages available these days.

35- Normally a shareware author gives around one month to evaluate a package.

36- Graphics workshop is a shareware leader in the area of image manipulation.

37- shareware is rapidly becoming the most effective way to market computer software.

38- IkonWORKS are a specialist Windows shareware distributor.

39- Version 1.1.0 : This version is no longer shareware .

40- The SETIFOX program is shareware , with a suitable donation requested. Downloads section consists of carefully selected freeware and shareware.

41- This spelled the end of bulletin board systems and shareware disk distributors.

42- The face is installed with Microsoft Office products and is widely available as shareware.

43- In 1991 ZDNet on CompuServe and on the fledgling Internet were augmented by the purchase of Public Brand Software, the leading shareware disk provider.

44- “Apple has added a few features to spruce up the interface in System 7.5, although these have previously been available as utilities or shareware for quite some time.

45- ASE took two years to develop and was introduced as shareware on June 15, 2001.

46- FixCleaner was built on the platform of shareware in that could be freely distributed and downloaded.

47- The Maze! does not have a stated plot; the shareware level featured four levels, and the registered version twenty.

48- Large systems used all 26 DOS Drive letters with multi-disk changers housing tens of thousands of copyright free shareware or freeware files available to all callers.

49- Superball Arcade is a purchasable shareware computer game for the PC first released on May 29, 2003 by Cheeky Monkey Software.

50- shareware and freeware Main article: shareware Much of the shareware movement was started via user distribution of software through BBSes.

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