screen in a sentence 4

Use ‘screen’ in a sentence | ‘screen’ example sentences

151- Dogs can watch flat-screen TVs and their owners can check in on them via webcam.

152- On screen, CNN cut away to correspondent Sara Murray standing outside of a door.

153- This is the picture on the lock screen, of the potential owner/s of the handset.

154- The debate featured pre-taped questions projected on a screen in the auditorium.

155- You only have to jump to another screen if you’re eager to make in-depth tweaks.

156- Hong said the smartwatch screen is less about apps, and more about notifications.

157- The phone’s screen is 5.5 inches, setting it on the edge of the phablet category.

158- Try to see at least some of it with your eyes, and not through your phone screen.

159- This isn’t the first animated feature film that’s headed toward the small screen.

160- It has followed me to every single computer screen I have had in the last decade.

161- We are not as smart and cool as we look up there on the screen, Feustel remarked.

162- The Lumia Talkman is slightly smaller, with its screen measuring just 5.2 inches.

163- Of course, the most notable feature is that stunning 27-inch, 5120 x 2880 screen.

164- Maybe you’ve seen the large, tilted screen as it’s taken shape in fits and starts.

More Sentences: 1234
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