screen in a sentence 2

Use ‘screen’ in a sentence | ‘screen’ example sentences

51- The arena had a huge replay screen, so we could catch all the action.

52- Find someone who has a flat screen monitor for his/her computer.

53- monitorYou’d better wipe off the screen of the computer, it’s getting all dusty.

54- The computer mouse lets you control the location of the pointer on your screen.

55- Samuel Goldwyn once remarked that a wide screen just makes a bad film twice as bad.

56- We just bought a movable paper screen for our office in order to divide the room in two.

57- Computer models can simulate a collision between galaxies and display it on a TV screen.

58- The size of your computer screen indicates the diagonal distance from one corner to another.

59- We couldn’t believe it when we saw the final score flashing on the screen.

60- We had really won!The screen for the IMAX films is huge, maybe ten times bigger than in a normal movie theater.

61- The carpenter had to shave a bit of wood off the door frame before installing the screen door.

62- The images on a computer screen are made up of more than 5,000 pixels, or dots, per square inch.

63- The images on your computer screen are made up of more than 5,000 pixels, or dots, per square inch.

64- Sophie often goes to the lounge in her college dormitory to watch movies on the big screen television.

65- Someone told me that the rays coming off the screen of your computer can be dangerous for your health.

66- A window is an area of the computer screen where you can see the contents of a folder, file or program.

67- You operate the menu on your computer screen by pressing and releasing one or more buttons on the mouse.

68- The quality of the picture on your computer screen depends on the number of dots which make up the image.

69- China has only one movie screen for every 122,000 people, compared with one per 8,600 in the United States.

70- Actress Drew Barrymore made her screen debut in a television commercial for dog food at the age of 11 months.

71- The UFO appeared on the military radar screen, and appeared to be travelling at a speed of over 10,000 miles per minute.

72- Movie director Billy Wilder once said, “I have never met anybody as mean as Marilyn Monroe or as utterly fabulous on the screen.

73- “Immigration officials have to screen thousands of immigrants, refugees and foreign visitors who arrive in this country every year.

74- Recent innovations in video technology, such as DVDs, have resulted in a much higher quality of picture on the home television screen.

75- Years ago, exotic dancers didn’t actually take off their clothes in front of men, but would undress behind a screen that showed a shadow of their movements.

76- A small integrated circuit inside your computer mouse sends signals to the operating system, which instructs it to move the pointer on your screen.

77- circulateBruce Sterling once said that in a way, staring into a computer screen is like staring into an eclipse.

78- It’s brilliant, and you don’t realize the damage until it’s too late.

79- The first film audiences in Hong Kong had to be paid to watch movies because the Chinese people were frightened of the “moving spirits” on the screen, and refused to enter the theater.

80- When it first loaded, the screen was black, causing momentary panic.

81- As the band played “MLK,” the names of victims appeared on a screen.

82- I thought we had the screen there and it was going to be a big play.

83- It’s refreshing and gratifying to see them on my TV screen each week.

84- 771047The Producers Guild and the screen Actors Guild put it on top.

85- This is much more precise than the tap-the-screen method we have now.

86- And count the number of gadgets you’ll want to connect to your screen.

87- 852634This type of screen is rare for tablets because it’s expensive.

88- “We were not as sharp as we needed to be with our ball screen defense.

89- Clinic doctors will testify with a screen hiding them from spectators.

90- TBW: When you heard the film was to screen at Cannes how did you feel?

91- Like other operating systems, you swipe apps off-screen to close them.

92- That’s why we try to limit screen time for ourselves and our children.

93- Swipe left from the home screen to get to those, and look for my name.

94- “Thank you so much to the screen Actors Guild — SAG-AFTRA — for this.

95- Their on-screen chemistry soon blossomed into a real-life relationship.

96- The pilot’s confrontation with Ren gets a little more screen time, too.

97- SlidenjoyWhen it comes to screen real estate you can never have enough.

98- If it’s on, the screen blurs and the Air Command menu floats into view.

99- For older children, screen-time should be limited to two hours per day.

100- 793428The screen also provides the view for the standard backup camera.

More Sentences: 1234
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