screen in a sentence

Use ‘screen’ in a sentence | ‘screen’ example sentences

1- Minimum 12″ screen 15″ preferable.

2- The paper screened under 3000 small molecules.

3- But why are consumers demanding bigger screens ?

4- The above screens are single trace screens.

5- The above screens are single trace screens .

6- Scott avoided using green screens unless necessary.

7- The split screen mode includes four game variants.

8- A 40 x 25 text screen requires 2000 bytes.

9- This game features split screen offline multiplayer.

10- The city has many single screen cinemas.

11- The tile based home screen is thoroughly customizable.

12- After screens are attached touch panels are attached.

13- Also full screen navigation system offers superior driving experience.

14- A matte screen surface prevents annoying reflections.

15- The screen size is still 4 inches .

16- Another big trend is solar window screens .

17- The touch screen features were very odd .

18- The films were screened across 12 categories .

19- All boast screens nearly twenty metres high.

20- Both phones offer screen interaction proximity sensors.

21- My screen had more space three years ago.

22- A computer screen offers very little visual real estate.

23- The welcome screen is presented much faster.

24- There are 18 different films being screened .

25- This theater has 16 screens showing the newest releases.

26- This is especially true for screen shots.

27- We had screened over 140 candidates ourselves.

28- The big screen makes a big difference.

29- Keep going until the screen shows 0.

30- Your free screen savers are the very best!

31- A four part training program with screening guide.

32- Most likely this is screen related failure.

33- Almost every screen tends to display colors differently.

34- No random crashes or weird lock screens yet!

35- The finished screen porch is 13 feet by 18 feet.

36- The next screen is the license agreement.

37- There are over 30 films being screened .

38- We are very cautious in screening potential surrogate mothers.

39- All basic capture parameters present on main screen .

40- The next screen shows the payment method. Will you screen me from public censure?

41- She tried to screen her son from reality.

42- Find someone who has screamed under water.

43- screenWho has been putting their dirty hands on the computer screen?He used his hand to screen the sunlight from his eyes.

44- She used her hand to screen the sunlight from her eyes.

45- My first task was to screen out unqualified applicants.

46- Find someone who has looked at a real radar screen.

47- radiationI made it so only root could access the administrative screen.

48- Actress Marilyn Monroe did her first screen test in July of 1946.

49- Angelina stared at her computer screen, wondering what to do next.

50- The price of a computer monitor depends mainly on the screen size.

More Sentences: 1234
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