screen in a sentence 3

Use ‘screen’ in a sentence | ‘screen’ example sentences

101- The information that Alexa has uncovered is shot directly to the screen.

102- It does not, and with a 14-inch screen, you probably wouldn’t want it to.

103- The duo built a smartphone app designed to help users screen for anaemia.

104- 379235I put a projector and a screen in every classroom in the school..”

105- I looked up at the Jumbotron (video screen) and didn’t see no one coming.

106- Keep the screen turned off as it’s not needed while serving as a hotspot.

107- 874075Turn the screen on its side and the display rotates automatically.

108- It was black, a departure from the usual Mac look, with a 14-inch screen.

109- His return was shown over the jumbo screen overlooking the storied track.

110- Excessive screen time can lead to cataracts, doctors of the society said.

111- A soothing voice says the new words and letters as they appear on screen.

112- Put another way, they have four times as much screen real-estate to fill.

113- They’ve managed to get every national broadcaster to screen their advert.”

114- Many big name Japanese firms were using the list to screen job applicants.

115- Then there was the problem of getting the screen to recognize touch input.

116- Inside, the person on the other end of the link appears on a large screen.

117- The biggest drawback of the E1759fwu screen is the 1600 by 900 resolution.

118- “I NEVER imagined I would get hooked on reading comic books on a TV screen.

119- 793426The screen also had a clock that timed the length of the meditation.

120- Swatch’s Tissot brand has already marketed touch screen watches since 1999.

121- Plus you can turn your screen into a virtual fireplace with the “Yule Log.”

122- What’s more, there’s an entirely new vocabulary around this 3D Touch screen.

123- The on-screen prayers were shot by a professional film crew for commercials.

124- All you sports fans out there can get live scoring just a touch screen away.

125- Here’s a phone screen scenario: Interviewer: So Meg, let’s talk about money.

126- The screen can be terribly bright if you want it to be (eat that, sunlight).

127- 885498Usually, you can find Settings”” on your iPhone or iPad home screen.”

128- Coffee that passes 17 screen grade is in high demand for export from Brazil.

129- There are warnings about limiting kids’ screen time, even as they get older.

130- “You have to give them all of your screen names, all of your email addresses.

131- She took that film from script to screen in less than a year for $20 million.

132- But Samsung’s Note phablets and tablets have had split-screen apps for years.

133- “I decided after five years I didn’t want to have my face on screen any more.

134- That disaster, however, was comedy gold for screen Junkies’ YouTube audience.

135- People like me have been calling for diversity on stage and screen for years.

136- Smith insisted that a bamboo closet screen be restitched instead of replaced.

137- Her sister Haylie appeared in “Napoleon Dynamite” and other big-screen roles.

138- While turned off by default, the platform can be enabled from the home screen.

139- I laughed, I cried, I marveled, and I wished I had seen it on a bigger screen.

140- Here is a look at the best of the worst screen achievements for the year 2014.

141- The student took photos of the screen so she’d have proof of the conversation.

142- While the iPhone 5S has a 4-inch screen, the 6 and 6S models boast 4.7 inches.

143- A black-and-white Cortana dialogue box takes up about one sixth of the screen.

144- She opens up her computer, trying to figure out why the screen no longer works.

145- Festival programmers make a concerted effort to bring female stories to screen.

146- Mobile devices account for 41% of all screen time for tweens and 46% for teens.

147- screen Shot 2015-11-06 at 12.13.30 PM The world was not ready for Google Glass.

148- The Apple Watch will show the update screen with a circular progress indicator.

149- Benefits include bringing notifications to the lock screen, similar to iPhones.

150- Image: Salesforce The first change users will notice is the updated home screen.

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