scientists in a sentence

Use ‘scientists’ in a sentence | ‘scientists’ example sentences

1- They probably had never met real scientists .

2- Do scientists ever construct ad hoc hypotheses?

3- scientists predict 2020 while soldiers predict 2025.

4- The democratic peace theory has been extremely divisive among political scientists .

5- There are scientists wearing white lab coats.

6- This has become dogma among certain social scientists .

7- Another extreme position is taken by empirical scientists .

8- This is why scientists so often disagree amongst themselves.

9- Genetic engineering allows scientists to more precisely improve plant characteristics.

10- Forensic scientists may identify a specific perpetrator.

11- She thinks more climate scientists should run for office.

12- Both effects are soon probably associated for local scientists .

13- Those scientists did something more than observe cooperation.

14- Some assumptions of scientists are very interesting.

15- scientists may never establish a firm link.

16- Amongst forensic scientists one rule is paramount.

17- Other scientists believe this field has different names.

18- scientists expressed enthusiasm but recommended further evaluation.

19- Forensic scientists were examining the vehicle yesterday.

20- scientists suspect environmental factors play a big part.

21- She argues based upon what scientists assume.

22- scientists and editors spend hours upon hours writing reports.

23- The great majority of scientists remained politically inactive.

24- Listed below are additional kinds of scientists .

25- Technology helps scientists collect and analyze data.

26- scientists are still unsure precisely what causes needle phobia.

27- Other scientists are motivated by environmental concerns.

28- He brought together scientists with various specialties.

29- How are scientists selected for panel service?

30- Initial data are delivered to scientists within 12 hours.

31- scientists grow healthy bone from human embryonic stem cells.

32- Pakistani scientists won acclaim in several fields.

33- Help scientists answer this critically important question.

34- Iranian scientists are conducting nuclear research and development using university laboratories.

35- The dramatic 2007 melting surprised and concerned scientists .

36- Some scientists argue that high population density cause dead zones.

37- The scientists interviewed are convinced that humans are responsible.

38- scientists are currently trying to develop less expensive fish feed.

39- The scientist model emphasizes training students as scientists . Pakistani scientists won acclaim in several fields.

40- Many scientists live in this small village.

41- A party of scientists were on board with them.

42- He is one of the greatest scientists in Japan.

43- scientists continue to be puzzled by the question.

44- Few scientists understand the theory of relativity.

45- The ocean floor is being studied by some scientists.

46- Many scientists have the reputation of being eccentric.

47- He is one of the greatest scientists in the world.

48- autunoHe is numbered among the greatest scientists in the world.

49- scientists tell us that our hair is made up of dead tissue.

More Sentences: 1234
Related Words:
non-scientificscientificallyscientistrocket scientistresearch scientistpolitical scientistscientists and engineersscientistsscimitarscimitarsscintillascintillasscintillatescintillatedscintillates

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