scientists in a sentence 3

Use ‘scientists’ in a sentence | ‘scientists’ example sentences

98- scientists estimate that time and erosion have erased 99 percent of all dinosaur footprints.

99- scientists have proposed many different hypotheses to explain worldwide temperature changes.

100- scientists say that the hole in the ozone layer is now shrinking, and may one day disappear.

101- scientists have long wondered when the first creatures crawled onto land from the sea.

102- crazyscientists know that stars can lose mass because we can see mass streaming away from our sun.

103- scientists working on cloning techniques are on the frontier of a new era for the human race.

104- So far, scientists have been unable to predict earthquakes with a high degree of reliability.

105- scientists classify light according to two main physical properties: wavelength and intensity.

106- scientists have discovered that the planet Venus is so hot that its surface glows in the dark.

107- scientists presently argue two different hypotheses for the origin of the moons of Mars.

108- idealThere are many unexplainable mysteries in our universe which scientists do not yet understand.

109- Nearly 180 mammals living in Papua New Guinea have been identified and described by scientists.

110- A fault common to scientists is mistakenly believing that every problem has a technical solution.

111- scientists say that apples are more effective at keeping people awake in the morning than coffee.

112- It took the scientists months to catalog all the different bone fragments they found at the site.

113- scientists claim that an undersea mountain range is our planet’s most impressive geologic feature.

114- scientists do not yet understand why a small number of people seem to be immune to the AIDS virus.

115- scientists estimate that hydrogen comprises around 90 to 99 percent of all matter in the universe.

116- scientists tell us that both bird parents usually take an active part in the rearing of the young.

117- Millions of years ago, the world was one great land mass, which scientists today call Gondwanaland.

118- scientists recently isolated the gene which seems to be responsible for the development of diabetes.

119- scientists warn that if humankind is going to have a future on this planet, we must reduce pollution.

120- scientists say there are no differences in lab animals and humans that cannot be factored into tests.

121- A human has a bone just after the spine ends, which scientists say proves that humans once had tails.

122- scientists are studying various abrupt climate change scenarios to assess their impact on our planet.

123- scientists have demonstrated that sharks are able to learn at a rate similar to white rats and pigeons.

124- scientists are now mapping patterns of tiny differences in DNA which distinguish one human from another.

125- scientists estimate that more than 45,000 pieces of plastic garbage float on every square mile of ocean.

126- scientists have found that every 9.

127- 6 years, there is a peak in our country’s wildlife population.

128- Following the discoveries of Isaac Newton, scientists no longer had to speculate on why the planets move.

129- scientists believe that hydrogen constitutes approximately 90 to 99 percent of all matter in the universe.

130- scientists say that pigs, unlike all other domestic animals, arrive at solutions by thinking them through.

131- Japanese scientists have isolated 3,000 pharmaceutically active substances from marine animals and plants.

132- Japanese scientists have isolated 3,000 pharmaceutically-active substances from marine animals and plants.

133- In 1985, British scientists discovered that a hole in the ozone layer develops over Antarctica each winter.

134- Social scientists are trying to find out why only some people who suffer abuse grow up to victimize others.

135- The only animals other than man that scientists can conclusively say have color vision are monkeys and apes.

136- Recent discoveries in astronomy have led scientists to hypothesize that Pluto is not actually a real planet.

137- The brains of Britain’s most notorious murderers are being studied by scientists for signs of abnormalities.

138- During my 20 year career, I have had the honor of working with the most prestigious scientists in this field.

139- Some scientists fear that inaction on reducing global warming could eventually make our planet uninhabitable.

140- The scientists found the bones of deer and other animals inside the cave where the bear had spent the winter.

141- Wild panda bears are becoming increasingly rare, and scientists are afraid that soon they will become extinct.

142- scientists believe that understanding the genetic roots of hair loss may someday result in a cure for baldness.

143- scientists at UBC have won a grant from the government for their research into the genetic causes of aggression.

144- scientists are afraid that alien life forms may have gotten aboard the rocket while it was refuelling on Jupiter.

145- The planet Mars has long been considered by scientists as the best candidate for harboring extraterrestrial life.

146- The public is hoping for some kind of magic bullet to kill cancer, but scientists say this is simply not possible.

147- scientists believe they have found the fossil of a dinosaur which seems to show evidence of some kind of feathers.

More Sentences: 1234
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