scientists in a sentence 4

Use ‘scientists’ in a sentence | ‘scientists’ example sentences

148- scientists warn that unless we guard our wildnerness, as many as half of all species could vanish in this century.

149- Most scientists agree that modern man evolved from apelike ancestors in a process that began millions of years ago.

150- Jonathon Marks once pointed out that the vast majority of ideas that most scientists have ever had have been wrong.

151- In the future, scientists may be able to clone human organs, which can then be harvested, and used for transplants.

152- scientists are now able to create conditions in the lab which produce greater heat than the core of the sun itself.

153- scientists have discovered that killer whales like to rub their sensitive stomachs on the bottom of shallow beaches.

154- scientists have found the skeleton of a small dinosaur which is almost completely intact in the ice on the mountain.

155- The enormous number of photos which have been beamed back from the moon have permitted scientists to map its surface.

156- scientists tell us that kissing rarely transmits colds because the cold viruses do not live comfortably in the mouth.

157- The team of scientists had to completely reformulate its hypothesis after analyzing the results of their experiments.

158- After being shrunk to the size of bacteria, the scientists went on a fantastic voyage into the body of a human being.

159- scientists hope that one day cloning will be able to reverse paralysis by regrowing damaged cells in the spinal cord.

160- Some scientists compare the brain to a relay station that merely coordinates incoming signals and outgoing responses.

161- Data from the Mars explorer has presented a puzzle to scientists, does it actually provide evidence of life on the red planet?scientists say that since 1970 there has been a marked trend in the rise of global temperatures, due to global warming.

More Sentences: 1234
Related Words:
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