scientists in a sentence 2

Use ‘scientists’ in a sentence | ‘scientists’ example sentences

50- Unlike his other writings, this book was not for scientists.

51- scientists say that our earth is not actually perfectly round.

52- scientists have a responsibility to maintain an objective mind.

53- He is considered one of the greatest scientists in our country.

54- Finding a galaxy’s mass is a challenging puzzle for scientists.

55- According to scientists, gold exists on Mars, Mercury and Venus.

56- scientists are working to preserve the wall paintings in the cave.

57- Most scientists believe that birds actually evolved from dinosaurs.

58- scientists believe the family of man spans the last 2 million years.

59- scientists have discovered over 20 planets outside our solar system.

60- scientists can now produce life in the laboratory from a single cell.

61- scientists tell us that the human thighbone is as strong as concrete.

62- scientists say an AIDS vaccine may be ready within the next few years.

63- Both scientists arrived at the same conclusion after studying the data.

64- scientists say that we are wiping out species at an unprecedented rate.

65- scientists tell us that the Earth’s core is composed of molten material.

66- To measure the color of a star, scientists pass the light through filters.

67- scientists fear major climatic changes as a result of the greenhouse effect.

68- Continued experimentation has allowed scientists to refine their techniques.

69- scientists have to be very cautious in applying this new cloning technology.

70- scientists around the world are working hard to try to find a cure for cancer.

71- scientists have estimated that the act of speech involves at least 100 muscles.

72- scientists say that more germs are transferred by shaking hands than by kissing.

73- scientists have found that chocolate has a chemical which helps fight depression.

74- A restaurant in New Zealand regularly delivers pizza to scientists in Antarctica.

75- Some scientists hypothesize that Japan will sink into the sea if the icecaps melt.

76- He studied the scientists considered to be the most significant of the th century.

77- scientists don’t know if the ozone can be repaired, or if so, how long it will take.

78- scientists say that life on our planet probably originated in the shallow seas.

79- shamescientists tell us that due to erosion, Niagara Falls will disappear in 22,800 years.

80- scientists are looking for a fuel which will produce energy without polluting the air.

81- Canadian scientists developed a mechanical arm for use on the American space shuttles.

82- scientists have discovered a gene which may explain why some people become alcoholics.

83- Even the most skeptical scientists now admit that global warming is a serious problem.

84- scientists are currently working on developing a plastic that is totally biodegradable.

85- scientists state that the evidence of human-induced climate change is now overwhelming.

86- scientists warn that a thinning of the ozone layer could lead to a rise in skin cancer.

87- Some scientists have hypothesized that animals can sense earthquakes before they occur.

88- The volcano has been smoking for weeks, and scientists believe it may erupt any day now.

89- There is a network of scientists working throughout the world to find a cure for cancer.

90- scientists presently argue two different hypotheses for the origin of the moons of Mars.

91- scientists say one toad may catch and eat up to 10,000 insects in the course of a summer.

92- Most scientists have concluded that our behavior arises from the activities of the brain.

93- scientists have successfully cloned a number of mammals now, including a sheep and a pig.

94- scientists have discovered that many animals exhibit strange behaviors before earthquakes.

95- scientists say that octopus and squid express emotion by changing the color of their skin.

96- scientists are now able to detect certain people that are at risk of having a heart attack.

97- scientists are still cataloging new species of insects which are being discovered worldwide.

More Sentences: 1234
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