scandals in a sentence

Use ‘scandals’ in a sentence | ‘scandals’ example sentences

1- The 2005–06 football season saw many corruption scandals .

2- This advantage has resulted in numerous scandals .

3- These successive scandals derailed any further political aspirations.

4- Figure skating already comes under criticism for judging scandals .

5- These scandals provoked serious discontent within the army.

6- Many scandals involving bribery were reported during the past years.

7- Johnson was neck deep in huge scandals .

8- These scandals highlight deeper cultural problems in academia .

9- They create scandals out of nothing issues.

10- Besides women he was pursued by financial scandals .

11- The hotel also proved popular for scandals .

12- Two scandals were also hurting the department.

13- This period has been marked by repeated controversies and scandals .

14- The period was also marked with political scandals .

15- Australian literature has had several scandals surrounding the identity of writers.

16- Corruption scandals continue to plague the continent.

17- Senior police were caught up in corruption scandals .

18- Few ” scandals ” in living memory have carried less significance.

19- How many scandals has he got going right now ?

20- You are also dating yourself with old political scandals .

21- Today’s girls are involved in cheating scandals .

22- It typically covered scandals in London high society.

23- In 1996, two espionage scandals broke.

24- Hamilton’s career was marred by blood doping scandals .

25- Surprisingly, the scandals had little political effect.

26- We’ve had so many scandals already.

27- Other scandals emerged, further damaging Klan enrollment.

28- This feeling has deepened with a series of scandals .

29- There are two real housing scandals in Britain today.

30- In the 1980s a series of scandals received widespread publicity.

31- Numerous other examples of journalism scandals center on credibility issues.

32- However, there had been some scandals around such relationships.

33- But her presidency suffered several scandals as well.

34- And they should not make internal scandals public.

35- There are continuing public scandals about patient care at the hospital.

36- The grand duke was a life-long bachelor never involved in scandals . All the rumors of his bribes, scandals and lovers soon blew over.

37- There are scandals and corruption in governments all over the world.

38- Recent scandals have seriously eroded public support for the governor.

39- The public has been outraged by the recent scandals of this government.

40- My grandmother loves reading about all the scandals that movie stars get into.

41- Voter support for the party has declined by over 25% due to the leader’s recent scandals.

42- His road to the heights of power has been paved with scandals, infighting and dirty politics.

43- Support for the Opposition party has become widespread as a result of recent government scandals.

44- Despite their own scandals, the police continue to make arrests as though nothing had happened at all.

45- He has voted faithfully for the same party all of his life, despite scandals, broken promises and failed policies.

46- The Liberal party’s majority has disintegrated in this election, due to their failed policies and numerous scandals.

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