scandalizes in a sentence

Use ‘scandalizes’ in a sentence | ‘scandalizes’ example sentences

1- Today Peyton Place hardly scandalizes , but its sociology is breathtaking.

2- The squalor produced by prison overcrowding is perhaps the issue which most scandalizes the public conscience, but there are others.

3- If the truth scandalizes the wicked, says St. Gregory, it is better to suffer their scandal than to discontinue the doctrine of grace and truth.

4- Elderly passengers Isidor and Ida Straus discuss their plans for the years to come while Charlotte Drake Cardoza scandalizes the First Class men by joining them for cards in the First Class Smoke Room (“Autumn”).

5- Seducing each of the women in turn Darryl teaches them how to further expand the powers locked within, though their new unorthodox lifestyle scandalizes the town.

6- Miss Reba – Owns a Memphis brothel where Temple lives under Popeye’s control; she thinks highly of Popeye until he brings Red in as a “stud”, which shocks and scandalizes her.

7- So does Lady Mary, the younger sister of the Duke and Lord Peter, who leans strongly to the political left and scandalizes her family by marrying a policeman of working class origins.

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political scandalexpose the scandalscandal surroundingscandal breakscandal eruptscandalizescandalizedscandalizesscandalizingscandalmongerscandalmongersscandalousscandalouslyscandalsscandium

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