scandals in a sentence 2

Use ‘scandals’ in a sentence | ‘scandals’ example sentences

47- It’s really hard not to be cynical about this new government’s promise to bring integrity back to politics, given their previous scandals.

48- Political support in the country has shifted somewhat to the center due to recent major scandals affecting members of the right-wing party.

49- Two of the women resigned in October, facing campaign-funding scandals.

50- The church disputes the idea it needs money to pay for scandals, he said.

51- Before the dust settles on one set of allegations, new scandals are unearthed.

52- 428550I’ve been around this block many times with supposed Clinton scandals.”

53- FIFA sponsors are traditionally slow to criticize, regardless of scandals piling up.

54- Two recent high-profile scandals from the past year remain fresh in the minds of many.

55- They also want an independent probe into one of the country’s worst corruption scandals.

56- Chafee noted during his speech that in 30 years of public life, he “has had no scandals.”

57- She said the archdiocese has been through too much with abuse scandals and parish closings.

58- Stung by losses and scandals, clients shifted their assets to basic, low-margin investments.

59- It was just the latest incident to hit the Secret Service, which has been rocked by scandals.

60- He has investigated everything from workplace deaths to unsolved crimes and government scandals.

61- That Toyota is facing problems like their recent scandals in the U.S. didn’t seem to bother him.

62- The organization’s response comes during a rash of Greek life-related scandals across the country.

63- Did safety concerns and the recent FIFA and DFB scandals result in last-minute changes of opinion?

64- But the lack of market transparency is one of the mini-scandals within the larger emission scandal.

65- The tax case was one of many scandals that helped erode the once immense popularity of Juan Carlos.

66- With a presidential election next year, Republicans seem determined to keep the scandals percolating.

67- Shareholders’ confidence in the duo has been steadily slipping following a string of costly scandals.

68- 358982In fact, we love scandals so much we even have a hit show named — you guessed it: Scandal.”””

69- Soft-spoken Bahraini royal was elected to lead Asian football out of its corruption scandals in 2013.

70- scandals The MBW had very little affection from the people of London.

71- In 2009, and surrounded by scandals (see below, “Political activities”), Dieudonné launched two one-man shows: Liberté d’expression and Sandrine.

72- Gregory was notorious for publishing reports of scandals or blackmailing people.

73- Denials of Kōshien participation based on circumstances other than scandals have also occurred.

74- This is because of past scandals in which dead people continued to receive public benefits or voted in elections.

75- The all-around competition in the discipline of women’s artistic gymnastics (WAG) was marred by two separate scandals.

76- Edmund Rouse bribery scandal The formation of the Labor-Green alliance resulted in one of the biggest scandals in Tasmanian political history.

77- This scandal, so soon after the Mulroney government had taken power, foreshadowed the many Tory scandals to come in the years ahead (Sawatsky, pp. 288-296).

78- This series would go down as one of the biggest sports scandals of all time.

79- The scandals were devastating for the mainstream parties and resulted in their dissolutions.

80- The piece looks like serious journalism, much like the publication’s exposé work on Ralph Reed and other scandals in the past.

81- Tammany then put up Hugh Grant again, despite his being publicly dirtied by the police scandals.

82- There are cases of scientific fraud and scandals involving the suicide of a fellow scientist at the ( ICAR ).

83- A number of scandals had been tied to the Conservatives and Liberal leader Robert Higgins was widely popular.

84- ISBN 1419648756 this was one of greatest scandals in Honolulu in those days and was a continental source of gossips.

85- Since 2005 elections, the MEP has been accused by the opposition party and media with allegations of corruption and scandals.

86- However, Pryce was vulnerable due to Ohio Republican Party ( Bob Taft and Bob Ney ) scandals, Bacon, Perry, Jr. (2006-09-26).

87- In June 2010, he is a part of the ministers involved in a series of scandals related to their lavish expenses deemed by the medias.

88- scandals Chao was taken into custody on May 24, 2006 by Taipei Municipal Court on charges of insider stock trading and embezzlement.

89- Lopez adopted more progressive policies, including land reform, but his regime was brought down in the mid-1970s by corruption scandals.

90- Davis’s first full term as premier was by most accounts his least successful, with public confidence in his government weakened by a series of scandals.

91- Éric Halphen, June 2006 Éric Halphen is a French judge best known as the investigating magistrate in the Parisian low-cost housing scandals of the 1990s.

92- A series of scandals in the 1990s plagued the police department which included the systematic underreporting of crime to give the impression of low crime rates.

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