scandalous in a sentence

Use ‘scandalous’ in a sentence | ‘scandalous’ example sentences

1- His private career had been notoriously scandalous .

2- There is no actual evidence that piano legs were considered scandalous .

3- The fees that are embedded in reverse mortgages are literally scandalous .

4- This behavior is scandalous , and unprecedented.

5- Games of group 3 ended up in somehow scandalous climate.

6- Is it possible to explain his scandalous behavior?

7- There was something about it that was scandalous .

8- Tolstoy’s scandalous past also disrupted his military career.

9- Could anything be more scandalous , or more untrue?

10- It was not only unnecessary but slightly scandalous .

11- What was scandalous was their open admission of the relationship.

12- What has become forbidden and scandalous will be revealed.

13- Now that seems to be quite scandalous .

14- A scandalous business model scam run by the Govt .

15- Elderly care and foreign aid are bloody scandalous .

16- scandalous daylight robbery of hard earned taxes !

17- This exorbitant sum was considered scandalous by the whole country.

18- Are they just friends, or something more scandalous ?

19- But recent revelations about Indian banking make it much more scandalous .

20- The charges made were of the most scandalous and horrible kind.

21- You need to avoid scandalous gossip which you tend to love.

22- A string of scandalous news causes her popularity to go downhill.

23- It is an scandalous paraphrase which he does not dispute.

24- To many 19th-century Europeans, this was scandalous .

25- He also complained of ” scandalous misrepresention.

26- This scandalous tale is told by Panfilo.

27- The word scandalous is repeated four times in the first three pages.

28- What was once sophisticatedly scandalous had become cartoonish.

29- The pleading contains statements that are scandalous , vexatious or irrelevant.

30- The book reveals the rich and sometimes scandalous stories of those buried.

31- Clandestine production of and trafficking in drugs are scandalous practices.

32- Commentators saw her crime as both gruesome and scandalous .

33- However, the more scandalous elements do tend to stand out.

34- Overshadowed by everything else scandalous about the demise.

35- The air quality in cities like Barcelona or Madrid is scandalous .

36- Failure to follow this Christian and British tradition was considered scandalous .

37- This game follows the scandalous rumors about Caligula.

38- For some, such a fate would be scandalous .

39- The ticket prices are admittedly scandalous . The tabloids are full of scandalous stories of celebrities.

40- In the 1400s, the scandalous and corrupt life of the higher clergy in Europe began to draw sharp criticism.

41- How can our judicial system favor the king pin of this scandalous scheme?

42- He was commissioner for scandalous offences in 1648 and also commissioner for militia in Yorkshire.

43- This film had one of the most scandalous and at the same time mythological destiny in the history of the Bulgarian cinema.

44- The ‘Down’s Policy’ was also meant to draw public attention to the scandalous inequalities that survived in the Irish countryside.

45- The play was a popular success and a scandal in its own day scandalous because it dealt with a well-known London brothel.

46- Foss 1870, p. 133. In 1648 Browne sat on the Committee for scandalous offences and his time of sitting on the Committee of Both Kingdoms came to an end.

47- Moreover a group of Passionate female followers could have clear scandalous undertones, and in Keener’s view would not have been invented for that reason.

48- “Books: Soured account of Hollywood’s scandalous A-listers; Hollywood, Interrupted by Andrew Breitbart and Mark Ebner”.

49- ” “Damn You Look Good and I’m Drunk (scandalous)”, which was originally titled “Fake Boobs and Rollerblades”, discusses trashy women who the band often met at parties.

More Sentences: 12
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