scandalmonger in a sentence

Use ‘scandalmonger’ in a sentence | ‘scandalmonger’ example sentences

1- Dunne’s uneventful private life will never hold much interest for scandalmongers .

2- Jane Wilson, a friend of Eliza Millward and scandalmonger .

3- Spiteful gossips, scandalmongers , churls and hypocrites – please read on, if you dare.

4- Eliza Millward, daughter of the vicar, friend of Jane Wilson and like her a scandalmonger .

5- From their days in Arkansas, Hillary took the lead in combating the scandalmongers who threatened Bill’s career.

6- At that moment Sir Peter arrives to prove the report wrong, and orders the scandalmongers out of his house.

7- Love in no instance was ever overcome and succeeded by hate; neither will love ever turn scandalmonger against his beloved.

8- The Republican’s spiritual leader of those years, Newt Gingrich, was an insistent, relentless scandalmonger . (Ironically, a scandal forced Gingrich from office.

9- I was counting the chairs and thinking in distress about this odious scandalmonger , this heartless traitor, when I noticed the face of a young woman on the opposite side of the blue-walled coffee bar.

10- The fact that this revelation would doubtless be made in a context of privacy and confidentiality so as to insulate him as far as possible from the prying eyes of scandalmongers may not reduce his desire to put actual and legal distance between himself and his spouse.

11- In his writings he comes across as wonderfully French – proud and arrogant, a gourmand and an aesthete, an admirer of female beauty; he was also a terrific scandalmonger .

12- He had become the talk of the town; all tongues wagged of his adventure; his name was banded through’ the countryside, and the scandalmongers ran everywhere with tales of his amazing escapade.

13- It leaves no room for the reckless talkativeness of the scandalmonger , who loves to divulge evil news, and speaks to everybody of a brother’s faults rather than to the brother himself.

14- ‘He’s a scandalmonger ,’ he said softly, moving closer, making her pulses rocket.

15- ” Several Senators called for him to be recalled from Germany and Senator William Borah called him “an irresponsible scandalmonger .

16- ‘You wouldn’t be threatening me with Chinese whispers, would you, Miss Swift?’ he said softly, steel edging his voice, ‘I’d hate to think you were a scandalmonger .

17- “Woe to every scandalmonger and backbiter, who piles up the wealth and lays it by; he thinks that his wealth would make him last forever.

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