scandal surrounding in a sentence

Use ‘scandal surrounding’ in a sentence | ‘scandal surrounding’ example sentences

1- Australian literature has had several scandals surrounding the identity of writers.

2- The City scandal surrounding the brewing company Guinness deepened.

3- There was also a scandal surrounding the suicide of an inmate.

4- ASG is now closed due to the scandals surrounding Jack Abramoff.

5- Here are the latest developments in the various scandals surrounding the Obama Administration.

6- The scandals surrounding the Vatican Bank ( have only made matters worse).

7- Justin recently spoke to Teen Vogue about the scandal surrounding him as of late .

8- There was no scandal surrounding the marriage between Ellen and Ralph when it took place.

9- James won despite a concurrent scandal surrounding his divorce from his second wife, Romelle Schneider.

10- A scandal surrounding Alfred Escher’s immediate forebears had, however, damaged his family line’s reputation.

11- We saw just a little of it this past year with all the scandals surrounding the President .

12- Twenty-four hours after Chrissie’s first episode went to air a scandal surrounding Grantham hit the tabloid papers.

13- Iksil was fired along with Martin-Artajo last year , as the scandal surrounding the bank’s losses escalated.

14- He was already the target of numerous critics due to revelations of a drug-money scandal surrounding his presidential campaign.

15- I think my relatives were afraid of any scandal surrounding his death and that is why they did nothing .

16- This article outlines, in chronological order, the various scandals surrounding or involving the BBC that have occurred.

17- Jill Kelley was also linked to the scandal surrounding former CIA Director David Petraeus and his biographer Paula Broadwell .

18- The first three times were applications of Sections 1 and 2 in the context of scandals surrounding the Nixon Administration.

19- Again, the scandal surrounding the construction of the East-West highway in Algeria exemplified the general ineffectiveness of such policies.

20- This was best exemplified by the 2004 scandal surrounding the ‘evaporation’ of 20% of Shell’s reserves.

21- He also confessed to having committed unspecified heinous sins that, if publicly known, would increase the scandal surrounding him.

22- Remarkably, despite the sheer volume of scandals surrounding Ukip members, Farage continues to enjoy great personal support in England.

23- BBC Director General George Entwistle announces two inquiries into the scandal surrounding allegations of abuse involving the late DJ Jimmy Savile .

24- The plot was inspired by various corporate scandals and characters involved in them, most notably from the 2001 scandal surrounding Enron.

25- Five months later , Thompson was out amid a public scandal surrounding the inaccurate reporting of his academic credentials on his resume.

26- A scandal surrounding dioxine in for consumption chickens just before the elections, played an important role in the party’s performance.

27- But it was Mr Robinson’s response to the allegations and scandal surrounding him which dominated breathless media coverage at Stormont today.

28- Iris becomes emotionally involved with Jim, but the scandal surrounding Terry Andrews forces him to leave San Francisco for New York.

29- They then advocate the use of drugs that paradoxically increase the likelihood of suicide as the recent scandal surrounding the drug Seroxat has shown.

30- The recent scandal surrounding Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling was surrounded by so much confusion and contradictory accounts that it’s been difficult to form a fair opinion.

31- So was “If You Like Your Plan, You Can Keep Your Plan.” Chris Christie, the New Jersey governor embroiled in an unfolding scandal surrounding the closing off of entry lanes to the George Washington Bridge, served as fodder for at least 10 team monikers.

32- The police investigations that followed soon unraveled the tangled mess that was the man’s various money trails, which lead to the discovery of the scandal surrounding the Gizmondo.

33- Although the scandal surrounding the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) is perhaps the biggest banking scandal in history, it received limited media coverage.

34- His words were drops into the uneasy silence over the recent series of scandals surrounding US priests and bishops, that had been taken in Vatican circles as alarming symptom of the Pope’s incapability to further run the church.

35- Mrs Thatcher is said to have been initially enthusiastic but dropped the idea after the scandal surrounding the attack by the French secret service on the Greenpeace ship, Rainbow Warrior, in New Zealand in 1985.

36- The interpretation was in response to the accounting scandal surrounding Enron in 2001, where off balance sheet partnerships and questionable accounting practices were utilized to hide massive amounts of debt.

37- But Mr Glinne makes dark references to financial scandals surrounding the Vatican, the Banco Ambrosiano, the P2 Masonic Lodge and the Italian mafia’s well-known expertise in farm fraud.

38- After months of rumors, innuendo, leaks and mea culpas, the other shoe has finally dropped in the ongoing gift scandal surrounding former first couple Bob and Maureen McDonnell.

39- The game is a parody of the scandal surrounding the Spycatcher book.

40- A scandal surrounding her past led to Martin Van Buren becoming Jackson’s Vice-President.

41- Mugmon was also at the helm when the fabrication scandal surrounding former Executive Editor Stephen Glass became national news.

42- He received much attention in the Philippines as a whistleblower related to the corruption scandal surrounding the ZTE broadband project.

43- Harrison’s involvement in the scandal surrounding Landis’ death briefly damaged his career and his contract with Fox was ended by mutual consent.

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