pour drink in a sentence
1) The constables were poured a drink by Day.
2) She poured a drink on his head.
3) pour a drink for each child. 3.
4) She was pleased as she poured the drinks .
5) Thus excused, he poured the drinks .
6) Peggy raises an eyebrow and pours the drink .
7) He poured a drink and pushed it towards her.
8) Luke poured drinks and Robyn accepted hers gratefully.
9) Richardson has been pouring drinks in downtown Boston for nearly 40 years .
10) pouring more drinks than the machine can freeze.
11) YES NO What training will bar personnel receive to pour standard drinks ?
12) Víðarr stands and pours a drink for Loki.
13) pouring standard alcoholic drinks helps individuals manage their alcohol consumption by counting drinks.
14) She poured a drink for him.
15) Ask students to consider the three types of drinks poured into the containers.
16) Our hostess came by every now and then to pour drinks for us .
17) A weather beaten lady, was starting to pour two more drinks once we sat down.
18) She poured the drinks , handed one to her guest and raised her own glass.
19) And drinks are poured , prepares the plates, he goes to sit his precious date.
20) poured Decent drinks , good music videos on the tv’s worth going to again.
21) Coleman and Cree plan to spend most of their time drawing pints and pouring drinks .
22) The cigars are passed round the table, drinks are poured out for the long night ahead.
23) There’s a waiter pouring drinks and a hum of excitement among those making this special trip.
24) Ask the class to predict what will happen when the simulated drinks are poured into the containers.
25) drinks being poured , a plastic cup crumpling, someone beating a fingertip tattoo on a table.
26) You are not an enabler, even if you pour the drinks for your loved one.
27) Introductions were made and conversation became general as Charlotte poured drinks and David passed round nuts and olives.
28) I poured a quick drink , stepped outside for a last cigarette, and watched the headlights pass.
29) As he was waiting for the barmaid to pour the drinks , Dexter could not resist temptation.
30) Male hosts pour drinks and will often flirt with their clients, more so than their female counterparts.
31) We didn’t forget to pour a drink to Posiedon and he rewarded us with bioluminescent dinoflagellates.
32) He poured a drink .
33) He poured two drinks .
34) The Vessyl does make sense, however, for people who commonly pour drinks out of large bottles.
35) My local watering hole can also pour some mean drinks … xylene will indeed put hair on your chest.
36) There is so much more to being a Bartender than just pouring drinks and that what this school teaches.
37) He strides over to the window – darkened by nightfall – as she pours drinks for both of them.
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