pneumonia in a sentence

Use ‘pneumonia’ in a sentence | ‘pneumonia’ example sentences

1- He is very ill with pneumonia.

2- My wife is suffering from pneumonia.

3- pneumonia causes difficulty in breathing.

4- My father contracted pneumonia last month.

5- It took me a long time to recover from pneumonia.

6- My grandmother had a bad bout of pneumonia and almost died.

7- The old man came down with viral pneumonia, and died soon after.

8- The old woman has been hospitalized with an acute case of pneumonia, and doctors fear she may not make it through the night.

9- At the turn of the century, infectious diseases such as tuberculosis and pneumonia were the leading cause of death in the United States.

10- In 1990, Jim Henson, the creator of the Muppets, died of pneumonia after being misdiagnosed by doctors who could have saved him if he had been given antibiotics.

11- In 1990, the creator of the Muppets, Jim Henson, died of pneumonia after being misdiagnosed by doctors who could have saved him if he had been given antibiotics.

12- When Brady died in Alexandria, Virginia, he had aspiration pneumonia.

13- Red Sox 3B Pablo Sandoval (pneumonia) missed his sixth straight game.

14- It can lead to pneumonia, lifelong brain damage, and deafness, and death.

15- Legionnaire’s is an airborne bacterial infection that’s similar to pneumonia.

16- It can cause deadly health complications including pneumonia and encephalitis.

17- This was taken 4 months after we almost lost Emily to a severe case pneumonia.

18- It can cause deadly health complications, including pneumonia and encephalitis.

19- The royal court announced in January that Abdullah was suffering from pneumonia.

20- 241100Frequently victims of mesothelioma are initially misdiagnosed with pneumonia.

21- The new antibiotic also worked against the bacteria that causes pneumococcal pneumonia.

22- Mastronardo was 65 and had recently suffered from throat cancer, pneumonia and a stroke.

23- The Star said Turnbull died of “complications related to pneumonia” on Sunday afternoon.

24- 86438At first, doctors believed he had pneumonia after they found fluid in his lungs.”””

25- Doctors later determined Ali was suffering from a urinary tract infection, not pneumonia.

26- They took him to a hospital, where he died of dehydration with oral trauma and pneumonia.

27- She had to skip day care and dance classes because she constantly had colds and pneumonia.

28- 509089Nine days after spending time in the hospital for pneumonia, she joined the run in 2011.

29- Doctors later determined Ali had a severe urinary tract infection and not pneumonia, Gunnell said.

30- The archbishop was unable to deliver his Christmas Day sermon because he was suffering from pneumonia.

31- Keiko died from pneumonia in December 2003.

32- You’ll catch your death of pneumonia, you will.

33- However, he died on August 14 due to severe pneumonia.

34- Dr. McCreery died suddenly on February 1, 1948, of pneumonia.

35- On one occasion, he saw Tilghman through a severe siege of pneumonia.

36- “Pneumolysin polymerase chain reaction for diagnosis of pneumococcal pneumonia and empyema in children.

37- In 1925 his childhood friend and fellow soldier Father Otto Fuhrmann died in South-West Africa of pneumonia complicated by malaria.

38- “Hilarious Rag for professor”, no byline, The News Adelaide, Friday 29 October 1948 Sir Kerr Grant died in 1967 from pneumonia after being admitted to hospital with a broken hip.

39- The pneumonia proves fatal for Brown and he passes away.

40- Ellis died of pneumonia in a Chicago hospital on December 9, 1937.

41- Taneyev contracted pneumonia after attending the funeral of Scriabin.

42- Drummer and activist Keith Knudsen died in 2005 of cancer and chronic pneumonia.

43- Collie died in 1942 from pneumonia after falling into Storr Loch on a day of fishing.

44- Ames died of pneumonia in 1937 in Boston three weeks before his 67th birthday and was buried in North Easton.

45- Chbeeb contracted pneumonia and was medically advised to withdraw and Muraine later quit during the Las Vegas auditions.

46- He dies from a disease (pneumonia, a complication from an earlier bout with smallpox) which Esther also catches and almost dies of.

47- There, in Persia he suffered from pneumonia and decided to take his own life by immolating himself rather than be an encumbrance upon others.

48- Philip catches pneumonia and is nursed back to health by Griffiths, who eventually takes him to the hospital charity ward where Mildred is dying.

49- She became enamored with the romance genre several years later, when she was sick at home with pneumonia and her sister brought her a bag of romances to read.

50- Dearnley p. 11 Soon after, Smart died, May 20, 1771, from either liver failure or pneumonia, after completing his final work, Hymns, for the Amusement of Children.

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