pneumonia in a sentence 2

Use ‘pneumonia’ in a sentence | ‘pneumonia’ example sentences

51- Hominick could not fight due to a case of pneumonia.

52- I suffered from recurring bouts with pneumonia as a child.

53- Thomas finished writing it shortly before succumbing to pneumonia.

54- pneumonia may also be accompanied by torticollis and can be fatal.

55- Dominguez died of pneumonia on August 3, while the band was touring in Europe.

56- The song’s strange lyrics came from a dream that Ballew had while fighting pneumonia.

57- He died, aged 79, in New York University ‘s Medical Center from complications from pneumonia.

58- She died in Pune due to pneumonia and was treated as Sati of Sadashivrao Bhau after her death.

59- The purpose of PERCH is to come to a greater understanding of the causes of pneumonia around the world.

60- Baden Powell died of pneumonia triggered by diabetes on the 26th of September, 2000, in Rio de Janeiro.

61- He died in 1885 of pneumonia, leaving behind a widow, Wilhelmine (née Löwenthal), a son and two daughters.

62- Cercone left the court upon reaching the mandatory retirement age of 90. He died of pneumonia on January 2, 2005.

63- Prognosis of pneumonia A cluster randomized trial found that the procalcitonin level can help guide antibiotic therapy.

64- He died on December 3, 1895 of pneumonia, leaving behind a small enclave of German settlers in the middle of the American south.

65- Murphy died of pneumonia in 1896 in Lexington, Kentucky, and over time his unmarked grave in African Cemetery No. 2 was forgotten.

66- Cox would die of pneumonia less than a year later on September 27, 1954 in Lawton, Oklahoma.

67- The alveolus on the left is normal, whereas the one on the right is full of fluid from pneumonia.

68- He died of pneumonia in 1916 and is buried in the Catholic cemetery at Sauteurs in the north of Grenada.

69- The preliminary necroposy indicated pneumonia as the cause of death, and further tests are being performed.

70- Ihara died of pneumonia at age 80. A statue of him was built at the ward office of Chūō to honor him in 2008.

71- In December 2010, Jaruzelski suffered from severe pneumonia, and in March 2011, he was diagnosed with lymphoma.

72- Allen performed onstage throughout the Houston area up until his death from pneumonia in 1985 at the age of forty-three.

73- OT III contains a warning that the R6 implant is “calculated to kill (by pneumonia etc) anyone who attempts to solve it”.

74- Nicholls 1992, p. 82 Maharajah provided elephant rides to the public for ten years, until his death from pneumonia in 1882.

75- In 1949 he joined with its own ensemble in Cologne and New Town in the Palatinate on again, but he died in 1950 of pneumonia.

76- Mosley had been seriously ill with pleurisy and pneumonia, preventing him from taking part in the campaign until its last week.

77- ” She had pneumonia several times, and was forced to confine herself to the few warm rooms in the royal palace during the winters.

78- Monsieur Toussaint Rivet died of pneumonia on July 14, 1939, although 18 mg of arsenic was later discovered in his exhumed remains.

79- In 1990, National ARI Control Programme was started in order to reduce the mortality concerned with pneumonia and other respiratory diseases.

80- The Global Coalition Against Child pneumonia exists to raise global awareness about the deadly toll of the number 1 killer of children – pneumonia.

81- In July 1923 Scott travelled back to Bradford in his open Scott Sociable wearing wet potholing clothes and contracted pneumonia from which he died.

82- Radiographs of viral pneumonia cases may appear normal, hyper-inflated, have bilateral patchy areas, or present similar to bacterial pneumonia with lobar consolidation.

83- Also, aspiration pneumonia may develop due to the entrance of food or liquid into the lungs.

84- An increased risk of pneumonia associated with current ICS use was identified (RR 1.83; 95% CI 1.57-2.14) for an excess risk of 2.03 cases per 1,000 person-years (RD 1.44; 95% CI 1.03-1.

85- Antibiotics can often be an effective treatment for pneumonia.

86- Antibiotics treat pneumonia, and the choice of the antibiotic depends upon the cause of the infection.

87- A study published on January 14th in reveals a crucial role of monocytes in the immune system changes that occur with age, and may help explain why older people are more susceptible to pneumonia.

88- Because of the crowded and filthy, feces-dust ridden conditions of the feedlot, cattle come down with pneumonia fairly often.

89- Béliveau had been in delicate health in recent months, having fought pneumonia from August into September not long after having fractured a hip in a fall at home.

90- Blood tests will indicate the presence of infection, and chest X-rays will show if aspiration pneumonia is present.

91- Coccidioidomycosis, usually seen in the Southwest, is a type of fungal infection that causes a pneumonia called “San Joaquin fever” or “Valley fever.”

92- Common causes associated with aspiration pneumonia include abnormalities associated with the pharynx and neuromuscular disorders, which affect both the nerves and muscles.

93- Community-acquired pneumonia requiring hospitalization among U.S. children.

94- Depending on how sick you are and whether or not you have any other health conditions, your doctor may treat you for bacterial pneumonia with antibiotics either at home or in the hospital.

95- Dogs that have been diagnosed with an enlarged esophagus may come down with pneumonia.

96- Erythromycin, clarithromycin (BIAXIN), and azithromycin (ZITHROMAX) are antibiotics commonly prescribed for mycoplasma pneumonia.

97- Fatal complications of Alzheimer’s include loss of ability to swallow that can lead to aspiration pneumonia, and incontinence leading to urinary tract infections or sepsis (severe infection).

98- First released as a film in 2012, “How To Survive A Plague” was dedicated to France’s partner Doug Gould, who died of AIDS- related pneumonia in 1992, and went on to be nominated for best documentary in 2013 Academy A wards.

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