pneumonia in a sentence 5

Use ‘pneumonia’ in a sentence | ‘pneumonia’ example sentences

198- The men died not only from battle wounds but also from enteric fever, dysentery, typhoid, bronchitis, pneumonia and sunstroke.

199- The physiotherapist was patiently working to loosen the secretions that build up, for example with pneumonia, and make both breathing and recovery more difficult.

200- There is reason to be optimistic: a number of advances currently in development will almost certainly strengthen our artillery in the fight against pneumonia.

201- These can include vomiting and diarrhoea, a cough (pneumonia is a serious possible complication and cause of death in distemper virus infection), a snotty nose and infected eyes.

202- These drugs unfortunately left him susceptible to sickness and 18 days later he died from double pneumonia.

203- This is unlikely to work, and forcing an infant to eat early can cause aspiration pneumonia and feeding problems later.

204- This lowest global price for the pneumonia vaccine is only available to the world’s poorest countries through Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance.

205- Whooping cough, chicken pox, rheumatism, influenza, pneumonia, diarrhoea and dysentery were all prevalent as well, although the number of cases was small.

206- Yet, every year 1 child out of 5 (under the age of 1 year) is not fully vaccinated, putting him/ her at risk of dying of preventable diseases such as measles, pneumonia or diarrhoea.

207- Young children participating in studies on childhood bacterial pneumonia in future can expect to suffer less discomfort and indignity.

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