pneumonia in a sentence 3

Use ‘pneumonia’ in a sentence | ‘pneumonia’ example sentences

99- Harrison went to bed at the end of inauguration day with a bad cold that soon developed into a fatal case of pneumonia.

100- He can even be forgiven for rhyming ‘phone ya’ with ‘pneumonia‘ because the lyric to ‘I’ll Never Fall in Love Again’ is such a concise – and witty – masterpiece.

101- He eventually moved from New York to Los Angeles hoping for more opportunities, but died of pneumonia shortly after his arrival in 1970.

102- I barely remember anything because I had a serious complication from my crash: the shock & painkillers caused pneumonia and I stopped breathing for awhile.

103- If not corrected, minor problems can progress to more serious conditions, such as pneumonia.

104- In addition, the study only included cases of pneumonia leading to hospitalisation or death, which means that the actual risk increase may be even higher.

105- In a typical flu season, flu complications — including pneumonia — send more than 200,000 Americans to the hospital.

106- In contrast to walking pneumonia, patients experience more severe fatigue, fever, a productive cough and are not able to be “walking “around.

107- In elderly people, it typically causes pneumonia.

108- In fact, when, in the dead of night after binge-watching two weeks of presidential convention speechifying, I learned of his death at the age of 72 from pneumonia, I recalled his nonfiction first.

109- In our disease models of pneumonia, of heart attacks, they’re like, works brilliantly, bang, get in, do the job, use what you’ve learned at university to get the job done.

110- In the winter of 2001, I suffered pneumonia for the sixth time in my life.

111- It is more common than hospital-acquired pneumonia.

112- It is usually only when the pneumonia fails to improve with antibiotics that the diagnosis of amiodarone lung toxicity is finally considered.

113- Knowing the cause of a lung infection is important for determining which type of pneumonia you have, how you got it, and how to treat it.

114- Legionnaires’ disease is a form of pneumonia contracted by breathing in water droplets contaminated with the bacterium Legionella.

115- “Limbani” was left to die by his mother due to being born with pneumonia and this couple saved his life with round the clock care.

116- Many different specialists treat pneumonia, most commonly primary-care physicians, including family practice, pediatrics, and internal-medicine specialists.

117- Mother just got out of being in the hospital almost 3 months w pneumonia & kidney failure and my dad was actually in the hospital the last wk the same time as mother.

118- Mycoplasma pneumonia is often a slowly developing infection.

119- My hospital stay was longer than usually, 5 days, but I went in with pneumonia and didn’t realize I had it as shortness of breath was my only real symptom and that happens all the time in late pregnancy.

120- One type of mold, Cladosporium, grows on damp mattresses and can lead to asthma, pneumonia and a fungal infection called Onychomycosis, which can cause skin lesions and crumbling toenails (vom).

121- Papazian L, et al “Effect of statin therapy on mortality in patients with ventilator-associated pneumonia a randomized clinical trial” 2013; DOI: 10.1001/jama.

122- Patients with bacterial pneumonia will need to take an antibiotic.

123- Patients with LBD may die from complications such as immobility, falls, poor nutrition, swallowing difficulties, or pneumonia.

124- pneumonia – Describe Your ExperiencePlease describe your experience with pneumonia.

125- pneumonia is a lung infection that can be caused by different types of microorganisms.

126- She had been battling cancer for some time and couldn’t kick her pneumonia.

127- Some accounts suggest the procedure was successful, but we’ll never know: She contracted pneumonia in the process, an infection her starved body couldn’t handle, and she died at 35.

128- Sometimes they may perform a chest X-ray to confirm that your symptoms are not pneumonia.

129- Take the pneumonia Quiz on MedicineNet to learn more about this highly contagious, infectious disease.

130- Taking cimetidine may make you more susceptible to virus that can cause pneumonia.

131- That twice-yearly trip to the dentist could do more than keep teeth and gums healthy: It may decrease the risk of pneumonia by reducing bacteria in the mouth, suggests research.

132- The Affordable Care Act now imposes penalties on hospitals that have high readmission rates for conditions like heart failure and pneumonia.

133- The gene called MCR-1 makes bacteria invincible, making previously treatable diseases like pneumonia potentially deadly again.

134- The problem is if you aspirate in the middle of the night you could get aspiration pneumonia which could be dangerous for people who are elderly, someone with a weak immune system.

135- There are a number of potential complications of pneumonia.

136- The symptoms are similar to those of pneumonia and include chest pain, fever, and sweats.

137- The total antibiotic failure rate was 22.1 percent, while patients with certain characteristics — such as older age, or having certain other diseases in addition to pneumonia — had higher rates of drug failure.

138- This is the first case of pneumonia they have seen in the Zion herd.

139- This led the authors to conclude that children with complicated pneumonia should “preferentially receive” oral antibiotics when released from the hospital when effective oral options are available.

140- Use of antidementia drugs and risk of pneumonia in older persons with Alzheimer’s disease10.

141- Walking pneumonia symptoms are similar to the common cold and may include sore throat, fatigue, fever, headache, and a worsening cough that lasts from weeks to months.

142- We had a similar holiday…husband hospitalized with pneumonia, I came down with pancreatitis, a week later I had pneumonia, and now my fibromyalgia is out of control.

143- What Are Potential pneumonia Vaccine Side Effects?

144- When foreign material gets into the lungs, it can cause pneumonia.

145- Abstract: Objectives : Postoperative pneumonia is a devastating complication after cardiac surgery that increases morbidity and mortality.

146- “Along the journey, Clax contracted pneumonia.

147- Another key intervention is the expansion of our immunisation coverage especially improving coverage of the newly introduced vaccines against diarrhoea and pneumonia.

148- A partnership with US-based pharmaceutical giant Pfizer will allow South Africa to stop importing an expensive pneumonia vaccine for infants and start manufacturing it at home.

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