plot in a sentence 7

Use ‘plot’ in a sentence | ‘plot’ example sentences

296- At times, the “show vs. tell” balance skews, as we race over major plot points without getting that much of a chance to let them sink in. The parts with the strange neighbor next door seemed especially rushed to me.

297- Attorneys for all three defendants maintained Friday that there was no murder plot among the three.

298- At what point does the fabrication of even picaresque or piddling details outweigh major plot drivers cemented in fact?

299- Austen purists may be scandalized at Chen’s reimagining of these familiar characters and her handling of the Darcys’ relationship, but the book’s plot twists are thought-provoking.

300- A well-drawn cast and an intricately woven, romantic plot make for another engaging Jones family saga that will lure new readers to the series and keep already established fans eager for the next installment.

301- A Widow for One Year is a sprawling nineteenth-century production, chock full of bizarre coincidences, multiple plot lines, lengthy digressions and stories within stories.

302- Bah, you just got back from vacation, it will take you at least another week to plot the ultimate plan for world domination.

303- “Bardugo breathes zippy new life into the story with a twisty plot, whip-smart characters, and her trademark masterful writing.

304- Based on how they all explain it today, the production of was as unconventional as its largely plot-free story.

305- Batwoman is caught between two criminal, religious factions trying to stop a plot to murder thousands.

306- “Beautifully told with rich details and a plot that is finely woven.

307- Because their sunny plot rests between an irrigation ditch and a playground, the architect designed the home accordingly, oriented toward an “introvert” garden to the north, and an “extrovert” to the south.

308- Because there is so much in the story, one or two aspects of it seem superfluous – especially a tacked-on sub-plot about a brutal attack on a minor character called Annie.

309- Beginning with the cloak-and-dagger plot that precipitated the first gunshots of the war and moving forward month by month to the end of the conflict.

310- Behind the bench, our plot becomes a wild kind of shaded bank beneath a very large tree.

311- Believable characters, plot development and steamy scenes.

312- Below is a list in order of publication-and don’t worry: plot descriptions for each book were kept short and simple (because no one likes spoilers).

313- Below is another scatter plot (with a trendline) that shows our reach prediction model applied to a test data set.

314- Best Director seems more likely, as an acknowledgement of the way Coppola makes the material, which hasn’t been altered much in plot, almost completely her own.

315- Beware ahead, too-Dark Souls bosses are important to the plot.

316- Black weaves several plot lines together to keep the pace of the novel moving and constantly building suspense.

317- “Building with plot Blocks” by Jan Fields from the Institute of Children’s Literature.

318- But all day my mind was moving in another direction: what if someone wrote a crime novel that had this idea as the basis of the plot?

319- But as of today, I am about finished honing the fine plot points for my next GCI book, the owner of (don’t bother to go there just now; nothing’s up yet) and ready to draw a scale model of my vision of Jericho, circa 1400 BC.

320- But as with any novel by DeLillo, our preeminent brain-needler, the plot is window dressing for his preoccupations: obsessive sallies into death, information, and all kinds of other things.

321- But clever of you and others to uncover the secret plot by Bezos to enrich himself by getting DHH to post links to books on Amazon.

322- But given their interesting range of genre, plot, and tone, these represent Wilde’s writings well.

323- But going piece by piece, there are elements of the plot, and character work on Diana and her fellow Amazons to be absorbed.

324- But I called a ton of the plot twists ahead of time.

325- But if you don’t want to steal a title, then the next best thing is to steal a plot.

326- But in either category I feel like fluffing around has no excuse when we have plot to get to.

327- “But in real life random things occur, and there may actually be no plot, in that sense of the word,” said Wimsey, thoughtfully.

328- ‘But I think we always return because we are hungry for the same story, the same plot.’

329- But it is the beautifully measured control of plot and the authenticity of the narrative voice that most impresses.”

330- But just about every plot resolution in Thursday’s season ender pulled at the thread of an entirely new storyline.

331- But just when Jon is ready to confess the depth of his feelings, he’s kidnapped by his substitute teacher, a discredited scientist who is obsessed with H.P. Lovecraft and has a plot to save humanity.

332- But no one has ever been charged in the alleged conspiracy, partly because any evidence that the plot extended much beyond Burgert’s fantasies was not very strong.

333- But Oliver Twist has disappeared from the plot–almost proving that though this novel has his name, he’s the least interesting character in it.

334- But on March 5, each woman clutched a single light-green sheet of paper that would change her life: a patta, or title to a small plot of land.

335- But Peter Lovesey is a smart writer, and in fact he smuggles some vital plot information into these passages.

336- But the author’s own unexamined biases came to the fore in a way that threw me out of the otherwise engaging plot.

337- But the editorial rejections we received made it clear that the plot was too quiet.

338- But,The Gates of Evangeline also contains a number of elements that usually turn me off: ghosts/visions, a cliche romance, some cheesy writing, and some predictable plot twists.

339- But the most disappointing is the brief review, which amounts to a quickie plot summary with an opinion-based sentence tagged on at the end.

340- But the novel has more going for it than a strong plot and memorable characters.

341- But the plot is being very stubborn.

342- But there are those who plot against her, those who would use Tea’s dark power for their own nefarious ends.

343- But they reserved a small plot of land for a garden and returned each week of summer to tend it.

344- But they were passionate about story-why characters did certain things, how the plot turned this way instead of that way.

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