plot in a sentence 4

Use ‘plot’ in a sentence | ‘plot’ example sentences

149- ” General Ripper explains to Group Captain Mandrake how he first discovered the Communist plot to pollute Americans’ “precious bodily fluids.

150- Scherzer 2007, p. 140. See also * List of members of the 20 July plot Notes ;Footnotes ;Citations References * Fellgiebel, Walther-Peer (2000).

151- However, she and Blackthorne (who accompanied her but was not aware of Mariko’s plot) and the other ladies of Toranaga escape into a locked room.

152- “The Slasher,” broadcast on 10 November 1950, the last show of season one, has a very loosely Ripper-derived plot in which Stone searches for an artist.

153- A. Confidential asks the audience to raise its level a bit, too-you actually have to pay attention to follow the double-crossing intricacies of the plot.

154- On November 1, 1907, banker and real estate developer R.P. Halderman purchased a -acre (0 km 2 ) plot of land from the heirs of Henry Seeligson for $540,939.50.

155- NRW went on to conceive the show as an all out farce, building the show’s plot line heavily on the many misunderstandings encountered by each of the characters.

156- She and Moon plot that Moon should burst into the cabin and discover Reno half-naked in Evelyn’s arms, providing sufficient reason for breaking off the engagement.

157- He devised a potpourri from what he recorded in Mexico and what he had on file and realized that the film would have no plot nor a continuity of a single mediator.

158- The doorway into the shop was usually on the corner of the plot to maximise shop floor space within, this also offered two display windows onto two opposing streets.

159- Significance The episode formally introduces The Marked, elaborates on Matthew Ross’ contribution to the plot, and Tom Baldwin becomes a sleeper agent for the Marked.

160- The grave is situated at plot Zb 74 & 75. His remains were removed from the Chief Secretary’s Lodge at 9 a.m., by hearse, followed by 43 carriages containing mourners.

161- Haynes 2005, p. 57 On the same day he was admitted to the plot, 25 March 1605, the conspirators also purchased the lease to the undercroft they had supposedly tunnelled near.

162- She has also been central to a cyber-bullying plot.

163- The film will be based on the plot of Stranglehold.

164- And (last plot) is indistinguishable from (first plot).

165- The clues Sten finds reveal a plot to capture the Emperor.

166- The MRC feared Mậu and sidelined him, causing him to plot.

167- Their suffering is the catalyst to the plot in Tactics Ogre.

168- “He considers everybody part of that big plot,” Abdullah said.

169- ” (This final event is one of the early plot points of the Ring).

170- Summary Image of a contour (flat) plot, made by myself with MuPAD.

171- So we can try to plot the Julia set of a given function as follows.

172- The Popish plot: a study in the history of the reign of Charles II.

173- This included a plot to steal documents from Hank Greenspun’s safe.

174- See also * Ternary plot References * Bradley, Christopher J. (2007).

175- Raines was part of the plot to kidnap Miss Parker’s twin brother (Mr.

176- A census of all trees in a 52 hectare plot found 1175 different species.

177- Ambrose 2010 He was buried in a plot in what is now Ronaldson’s Cemetery.

178- This was known amongst the five boys as the ” Great Mouse plot of 1924 “.

179- To Kavanaugh’s amusement, Lem revealed that he was not involved in the plot.

180- This is a welcome change; especially after the heavily plot-driven season five.

181- The film was basically a reproduction of the stage revue with a thin plot added.

182- Terry Nichols and Michael Fortier were also convicted as conspirators in the plot.

183- A laser gun used in this plot accidentally went off, killing her and three others.

184- Conclusion (chapter 25) At the end of the novel the two plot threads touch briefly.

185- “If Shetland’s crooked I’ll take him down myself”, he mentions as the plot thickens.

186- Alex reappeared in 2006, asking for money to keep quiet about Kevin and Daniel’s plot.

187- In Divide and Conquer, Gill informs Barodius of Nurzak and Kazarina’s plot against him.

188- She learns not only of the plot, but that she, and not her husband, was the real target.

189- Reviewers scoffed at the dated graphics, lack of plot, and missing feeling of progression.

190- And songs like “Paper Grenade” portrays plot that ultimately leads to war and mass killing.

191- The Bouvier family cemetery plot is at Most Holy Trinity Catholic Cemetery on Cedar Street.

192- The following films feature BDSM as a major plot point, not just as an exploitative add-on.

193- 469 more results not shown. Abbott gives readers a fun plot, a cast of eccentric characters, and a dramatic library scene right out of a Nero Wolfe mystery.

194- A book walk sets up comprehension success because your child will have an idea about the plot before they start reading.

195- A couple of plot strands still don’t lead anywhere in this version, especially the entrance of the Max-Noodles gang into union organizing.

196- Actually all of the love scenes were very credible – they happen at reasonable times, and not in the middle of a suspenseful bit of plot.

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