passerby in a sentence 2

Use ‘passerby’ in a sentence | ‘passerby’ example sentences

51- She refused, he said, but then a passerby climbed up the ladder and convinced her to climb down.

52- She was found by a passerby at 6:15 a.m. in Sorbonne Park, which is situated in a residential area.

53- 66096A passerby spotted a body with obvious signs of trauma”” in the park around 10:30 a.m. Monday.”

54- One passerby was injured in the attacks.

55- He walks down the street, asking a passerby for a light nothing, no response.

56- Carl is shot before a passerby triggers a fire alarm, scaring the assailant away.

57- This may be influenced by the belief that millers yearly drown a drunk passerby as an offering to the vodianoi.

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