passenger in a sentence 4

Use ‘passenger’ in a sentence | ‘passenger’ example sentences

151- She was walking home from school when a white van carrying a passenger stopped next to her.

152- Were you a passenger on the Malaysian Airlines flight MH148 from Melbourne to Kuala Lumpur?

153- 580019RCMP said a passenger on the ATV was also treated for non-life threatening injuries.

154- Ross says one of the women was pushed, at which point a passenger hit the emergency button.

155- The girls involved only saw the passenger, described as an older black man with dreadlocks.

156- Police say the name of the 7-year-old passenger is being withheld at the request of family.

157- A passenger in the other car was transported by ground to hospital complaining of neck pain.

158- 423011It was horrific,”” passenger Rachel Browne told The Sydney Morning Herald newspaper.”

159- As the dingy old passenger cars passed the demonstrators at the Berkeley depot shouting “No!

160- They had planned to derail a packed passenger train travelling between Toronto and New York.

161- Does this mean a Greyhound bus driver becomes liable for marijuana possessed by a passenger?

162- The battery pack sits under the passenger compartment, lowering the car’s center of gravity.

163- When the seats are upright, the passenger wagon has nearly four feet of cargo length behind.

164- 271191He immediately dialed 911. She was slumped over, leaning towards the passenger side.”

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