passenger in a sentence 3

Use ‘passenger’ in a sentence | ‘passenger’ example sentences

101- We landed and had no idea what was going on, said passenger Louise Anderson.

102- TYPE: Front-engine, rear-wheel drive, five-passenger, mid-size, luxury sedan.

103- So far, he has managed to keep a passenger in the air for a ten second flight.

104- The other passenger, believed to be French, has requested to remain anonymous.

105- Cellphone video taken by a passenger showed a man being hauled off the flight.

106- 597895Sailor Gutzler, 7, was the only passenger to walk away from this scene.

107- These installations also react to passenger movement and real-time flight data.

108- A green leafy substance was observed in the passenger compartment in plainview.

109- Hit with fines The passenger got a $450 ticket for littering, police confirmed.

110- Authorities said the passenger was restrained after trying to open an exit door.

111- Ultimately, Volkswagen chose to manufacture the seven-passenger SUV in Tennessee.

112- The senator escaped the submerged car, but his passenger, Mary Jo Kopechne, died.

113- White’s passenger and Cassius and his 2 passengers were not injured, police said.

114- Their focus on passenger service makes them an ideal choice as our launch partner.

115- Drury and his 20-year-old passenger, Marissa S. Hill of Gordonville, were ejected.

116- 299385His female passenger was transported to the hospital with unknown injuries.

117- The deceased passenger was later identified as Ruben Vazqueztellez, 25, of Lynden.

118- The passenger, Glen Bredson, is with the U.S. Forest Service out of Coeur d’Alene.

119- They consider things like sea conditions, weather forecasts and passenger comfort.

120- Hogg finally stirred when police shattered a passenger-side window with a metal pipe.

121- The tunnel underpass from 41st Street to 48th Street will remain open passenger cars.

122- A passenger who survived said many people were trapped inside the ferry when it sank.

123- Police were called and the passenger‘s family paid the cleanup fee and the ride fare.

124- The victims’ vehicle slowed, and the passenger managed to get out and flee the scene.

125- Police say the driver of the car was killed and a passenger was taken to the hospital.

126- 510325No charges were made to the driver or other passenger, according to the report.

127- Unknown to the men, however, was that an off-duty policeman was a passenger on the bus.

128- Medics quickly aided the passenger, and the Tacoma was up and running by early evening.

129- “They use existing power train technology and existing passenger platform architecture.

130- The passenger in the front seat of the BMW, 49-year-old Deana Deleon, died at the scene.

131- Occasionally, Jane said she’ll have a passenger who might get be a little inappropriate.

132- Royal Caribbean’s passenger ticket revenue rose 5% in the third quarter from a year ago.

133- The driver remains in serious condition and the front passenger received minor injuries.

134- Indianapolis Metro Police said someone shot the passenger of a car in a botched robbery.

135- One passenger says they had to stay in military barracks while waiting for a new flight.

136- “I would be happy if a passenger car is putting out just five to six times the standard.

137- The other dead passenger, a woman, was reportedly found at the other end of the carriage.

138- That cart was an 8-passenger vehicle, but Fackler decided to stick with the smaller cart.

139- Hosein called for back-up, boarded the bus and started talking to the troubled passenger.

140- That translated into $16.44 per passenger, up 68 per cent from $9.80 in the 2014 quarter.

141- Hollande said another passenger, French-American citizen Mark Moogalian, also intervened.

142- On Instagram, another passenger posted video of what appeared to be a rescue in progress.

143- Changes in airline passenger travel trends, however, have been the most important factor.

144- They spotted the driver first, then realized there was a child in the rear passenger side.

145- The new trains are expected to help increase passenger capacity by 25 percent, Chou added.

146- 361044Initially, 24 passenger trains and 34 freight trains will run on the line each day.

147- His 6-year-old, Jeremy Mardis, was strapped into his seatbelt in the front passenger seat.

148- On Monday, the passenger-side air bag recall was expanded to a national scope, Honda said.

149- The accident had been entirely avoidable and had caused the death of an innocent passenger.

150- The A320 is a workhorse of aviation fleets and one of the world’s most used passenger jets.

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