passed in a sentence 2

Use ‘passed’ in a sentence | ‘passed’ example sentences

51- The measure passed by 25 votes to seven, with five abstentions .

52- People had passed out of her range, she was absolved .

53- Most northern states passed legislation for gradual abolition .

54- As time has passedYears passed.

55- I passed clots.

56- Life passed him by.

57- Many cars passed by.

58- She almost passed out.

59- The train passed by us.

60- A long day has passed on.

61- He passed among the crowd.

62- He passed the examination.

63- She passed the examination.

64- They passed an uneasy night.

65- I passed a test in Japanese.

66- We all have passed the test.

67- He passed across the border.

68- He passed through the woods.

69- The bill passed both Houses.

70- She passed away two days ago.

71- She passed first in the exam.

72- I passed a boy in the street.

73- He nodded to me as he passed.

74- The parade passed our school.

75- He passed away quite suddenly.

76- I passed over the dark street.

77- They passed across the border.

78- He bowed to me as he passed by.

79- He successfully passed the exam.

80- He can not have passed the exam.

81- She passed by without seeing me.

82- I passed by her house yesterday.

83- I passed the exam and so did Tom.

84- Her mother passed away last year.

85- Her father passed away last week.

86- Because I passed the examination.

87- He barely passed the examination.

88- She felt less sad as time passed.

89- The boat passed under the bridge.

90- I’m glad that he passed the exam.

91- The budget passed the Upper House.

92- He passed his English examination.

93- He passed by without looking at me.

94- His brother passed away last month.

95- He passed the entrance examination.

96- It was fortunate that he passed it.

97- They passed by her house yesterday.

98- I passed the information on to him.

99- I passed the examination with ease.

100- He studied hard and passed the test.

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