passed in a sentence 3

Use ‘passed’ in a sentence | ‘passed’ example sentences

101- Many runners passed out in the heat.

102- We passed a night in a mountain hut.

103- She passed the jewel off as her own.

104- My father passed away two years ago.

105- We passed the time playing pachinko.

106- Ten years have passed since he died.

107- The old man passed away this morning.

108- She passed by without glancing at me.

109- He passed his property on to his son.

110- She passed the examination with ease.

111- I passed the test with flying colors.

112- I passed up an opportunity to see him.

113- The problem came about as time passed.

114- She passed away peacefully last night.

115- A year has passed since she came here.

116- Three years have passed since he died.

117- His grandfather passed away peacefully.

118- She was happy that she passed the exam.

119- The property passed from father to son.

120- Neither of his students passed the exam.

121- She passed away peacefully in her sleep.

122- Ten years have passed since I came here.

123- She passed right by me without noticing.

124- He passed by my house but didn’t drop in.

125- I passed the examination with difficulty.

126- Three years have passed since we married.

127- The leaves turned red as the days passed.

128- I passed by your house about last night.

129- Our long vacation has passed all too soon.

130- He passed the test in the face of poverty.

131- I passed behind him without being noticed.

132- My son passed in three subjects at A level.

133- She passed the examination by working hard.

134- He passed on quietly at his home last night.

135- The boy passed the examination with success.

136- That he passed the exam is surprising to us.

137- It is certain that he passed the examination.

138- He passed for a learned man in our community.

139- How wonderful that you passed the examination.

140- He boasted of having passed the entrance exam.

141- Much to my joy, I have passed the examination.

142- He is believed to have passed the examination.

143- It is said that he has passed the examination.

144- He was delighted to know I had passed the exam.

145- A year has passed since he came here.

146- fucongcongIt is no wonder that he passed the examination.

147- Ten years have passed since he went to America.

148- The expedition passed through the great jungle.

149- The old man wondered why life had passed him by.

150- Five years have passed since they came to Japan.

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