opening scene in a sentence

Use ‘opening scene’ in a sentence | ‘opening scene’ example sentences

1- The long opening scene has no dialogue.

2- Elements of the opening scene were lauded.

3- The opening scenes of the game are shown again.

4- The film’s opening scenes are not great filmmaking.

5- During the opening scenes I felt on familiar territory.

6- This opening scene is placed into context later in the film.

7- In the opening scene , her body is discovered frozen.

8- The theme of revenge is introduced in the opening scene .

9- The opening scene features a family observing the Shabbat.

10- This is the opening scene of Amsterdam .

11- Take the opening scene in the film.

12- The opening scene is set in Fort Smith.

13- Some of the opening scenes were filmed in Lowell.

14- The opening scene of a film about WikiLeaks .

15- This is the first serious dialogue in the opening scene .

16- Watch the opening scene of the first movie.

17- The opening scene begins immediately after Episode Three’s elimination.

18- opening scenes were shot in Hamilton, Ontario.

19- opening scenes were shot at Iverson Movie Ranch.

20- Spacey received praise for the opening scene .

21- The opening scene of the film depicts astronauts getting killed in space.

22- The opening scenes set the character traits of the three main characters.

23- The opening scene is modeled after “The Exorcist”.

24- Quite the intense opening scene for a children’s Christmas movie.

25- Yet its opening scene was the most jarring.

26- Also, the opening scene shows Ross walking into a mall.

27- The majority resembled the opening scene of the Twilight Zone movie.

28- The opening scenes were filmed in the Flamingo.

29- In the opening scene , when Joe shoots an unarmed man.

30- You were responsible for the opening scene in Columbia , right?

31- The opening scene was filmed in Fort Myers, Florida.

32- The opening scenes show the rarely documented drudgery of childrearing.

33- The opening scene is a metaphor for the team’s treacherous journey.

34- The opening scene is so shocking it will leave you gasping.

35- The opening scene was filmed using the Carbide & Carbon Building.

36- The opening scene sets the tone.

37- All that (and more) is in the opening scene .

38- The opening scene sets that feeling .

39- The opening scene had me worried. You can swim and snorkel in the subterranean pool featured in the opening scene of “127 Hours.”

40- Synopsis The book’s opening scene portrays the protagonist, John Hope, awakening from a sleep of 193 years.

41- The opening scene is now about 10 minutes long and no longer shows all the interactions among all of the characters.

42- John Kubicek of BuddyTV said that “the opening scene itself will leave your mouth wide open and you’ll probably forget to close it for a few minutes.

43- opening scene from the 1984 Tandy CGA release of King’s Quest.

44- She is kidnapped in the games opening scene by the “Red Guard”.

45- In a similar set up as the opening scene, Rosalee and Pete get out of their cars and Pete, surrendering to cheesy romance, asks her to dance.

46- ” Abbas particularly praised the fire opening scene and the final scene in which Michael insults everybody, which he called “a very satisfying ending to the roast saga”.

47- Episodes Trevor and Jill in the opening scene of the first episode Episode Opening Big Al, Trevor and Jill in the church crypt/warehouse *”What I don’t understand is this..

48- ” in almost exactly the same way that Joanna Riggs from Secret of the Scarlet Hand does in the opening scene.

49- O’Quinn captures Locke’s uncertainty perfectly in the opening scene and it’s always fun to watch Ben prey on any weakness of character.

More Sentences: 12
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