Use “positive discrimination” in a sentence | “positive discrimination” example sentences
1- It is easy to find justification for positive discrimination .
2- Brunei law provides positive discrimination in favor of ethnic Malay.
3- Inevitably it will include strong elements of positive discrimination .
4- The nature of positive discrimination policies varies from region to region.
5- Some people get confused between positive action and positive discrimination .
6- This suggests positive discrimination in favour of older people.
7- Unless positive discrimination is practised, the Timorese cannot compete.
8- Is positive discrimination the way forward?
9- He stated ” positive discrimination is wrong in the same way as negative discrimination.
10- An end to positive discrimination and all special treatment based upon race or colour.
11- All hell broke out when I had the temerity to oppose positive discrimination .
12- But of course positive discrimination is not something particularly socialist or ‘left’.
13- Reservation as a form of positive discrimination should be welcomed for the national interest.
14- positive discrimination is still discrimination.
15- There may have been reasons for this lack of positive discrimination towards the older conurbations.
16- In 2010 Prime Minister Najib called for the reform of this positive discrimination policy.
17- That’s not positive discrimination .
18- For honourable liberal reasons , the party has opposed positive discrimination to help women advance in parliament.
19- I’m in favour of positive discrimination because without it, change will take 50 years.
20- Later in the programme we ask are positive discrimination and chauvinism thriving in the Labour Party?
21- The main direction of the editorial’s argument was that positive discrimination was ‘dangerous muddling’.
22- It problematises housework, and suggests a form of positive discrimination in favour of housewives and mothers.
23- positive discrimination programs would not achieve much without a dismantling of the traditional communal mindset, he said.
24- They decided to avoid setting numerical targets because they encourage positive discrimination and instead examined recruitment and promotion practices.
25- Well it does seem that women are most unrepresented, and I for one would recommend positive discrimination .
26- TI: Ok, I’m going to ask it – what are your thoughts on positive discrimination ?
27- Lady Hale said in February that positive discrimination might be needed to overcome the gender imbalance among senior judges.
28- Even with a more aggressive policy of positive discrimination , it is doubtful whether geographical inequalities can be overcome.
29- Mrs Kennedy wants positive discrimination in favour of Merseysiders to apply when the Queen’s Dock development opens.
30- More social workers; “crisis intervention officers”; special teachers; positive discrimination , and now free lunches.
31- positive discrimination occurs when a disadvantaged group is treated more favourably in order to overcome an existing situation of inequality.
32- In my own union, UNISON, there is the most advanced form of positive discrimination there can be.
33- A useful form of positive discrimination was introduced by some French municipalities when they decided to subsidise neighbourhood general shops.
34- For instance , Laws with ethnic components – try ” positive discrimination ” , found in almost all European countries?
35- There were, however, a number of variables other than positive discrimination policies, which accounted for this relationship.
36- Changed definitions of aboriginality and positive discrimination via material benefits have been cited as contributing to a movement to indigenous identification.
37- And I think that you have to look much more carefully at what I would want to call positive discrimination .
38- The caste system, he says, will never be abolished by social reform or positive discrimination in favour of Untouchables.
39- That is one reason why I object to ticking boxes on forms and why I object to positive discrimination in job selection.
40- Is it best to introduce a legal quota system to encourage positive discrimination , or encourage industry to find its own solutions?
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