true of in a sentence

Use ‘true of’ in a sentence | ‘true of’ example sentences

1- This is especially true of business owners.

2- The same is true of lobbying activities.

3- This is particularly true of accident victims.

4- The same is basically true of skin care.

5- The same principle is true of spiritual disciplines.

6- The same is true of intense nationalism.

7- The same is true of written words.

8- The same is true of change agents within organizations.

9- This is particularly true of publicly funded projects.

10- The same is true of computer languages.

11- Something similar is true of literary criticism.

12- This is especially true of push hands exercises.

13- The same is true of school massacres.

14- This is somewhat less true of patents.

15- This is still true of service animals.

16- This is especially true of international families.

17- This is particularly true of election campaigns.

18- This is true of almost every invention before patent offices.

19- The same is true of objective moral goods.

20- The same is true of genetic ancestry.

21- The same is true of material minds.

22- That is true of real genes too.

23- This is usually true of real property.

24- This is especially true of marketing activities across geographical borders.

25- The same was true of large urban electoral districts.

26- This is especially true of aged cheeses.

27- The same is true of young perch.

28- The same is true of court decisions.

29- The same is true of healthcare accreditation schemes.

30- The same is true of sound masking.

31- This is especially true of developed capitalist economies.

32- The same is true of newspaper comment.

33- The same is true of mental illness.

34- This is true of many tax avoidance strategies.

35- This was certainly true of early papers.

36- This is particularly true of conceptual clustering.

37- This is particularly true of academic writing. The same is true of Japan.

38- The same is true of the nation.

39- What he has said is true of them.

40- The same explanation is true of that case.

41- The same is true of professional baseball.

42- What he said about girls holds true of boys, too.

43- He maintained that his theory was true of this case.

44- It is true of learning English that practice makes perfect.

45- Old habits die hard.

46- This is particularly true of politics.

47- It is true of American society that the male is the head of the household.

More Sentences: 12
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