true in a sentence

Use ‘true’ in a sentence | ‘true’ example sentences

1- The internal level is where true refuge is found.

2- true happiness is predicated upon personal purity.

3- A true nonviolent revolution starts within ourselves.

4- The term “life long learning” certainly is true !

5- The true warriors realm is very real.

6- It hardly matters whether religious myths are true .

7- The mission statement is organic seed company true .

8- Using known position compute ” true ” range.

9- The true story remained unknown until 1928.

10- This finding is generally true across geographic regions.

11- This trend holds true across racial lines.

12- How true character is revealed through adverse circumstances.

13- true animosity soon developed between both teams.

14- true apprenticeship experiences are becoming relatively rare.

15- This is especially true during seismic activity.

16- The reverse is true during warm periods.

17- This is especially true during adolescence”.

18- The objection although partially true is itself flawed.

19- It is true department provides financial stability.

20- A true 1% power vs 99% powerless.

21- These medical mistakes are true horror stories.

22- The content rule is true across mediums .

23- There are very few true men anymore .

24- The true story emerged slowly during 1973.

25- true “investigative play” happens here.

26- true worship is neither mindless ecstasy nor dull repetitions.

27- It true skate cheats becomes more powerful.

28- This is especially true regarding scale insects.

29- It is more true than literal truth.

30- The same is true for defence policy.

31- The same is true for regional organisations.

32- Those words ring more true today than ever before.

33- This is especially true for screen shots.

34- The same holds true for false prophecy.

35- This is especially true of business owners.

36- The same is true for toxic releases.

37- This is the side where true power is obtained.

38- This is certainly particularly true for big purchases including financing.

39- The opposite of true worship is vain worship.

40- End user participants must be true end users. And it was true that Rodie was very abstracted throughout dinner.

41- It’s true that wages in Asia are abysmal .

42- A true fast is complete abstinence from food of any kind.

43- Yahweh has abrogated to himself all true creativity.

44- Is that true?

45- I think it true.

46- He is a true man.

47- Dreams come true.

48- Dreams came true.

49- Is her story true?

50- Is his story true?

More Sentences: 1234
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