trudging in a sentence

Use ‘trudging’ in a sentence | ‘trudging’ example sentences

1- We never saw that old girl trudging round today.

2- Miles sighed and started trudging toward him.

3- No sane person would willing go trudging through a pink river.

4- So, it meant trudging across the river.

5- And the United States is trudging ahead .

6- Customers are thinning out, trudging home in the dark.

7- So he’s trudging along with his companions.

8- With a little grin, she began trudging up the lane.

9- This doesn’t have to involve you trudging through the phone book.

10- Keep trudging along through the pastures.

11- People think of mammoths trudging through arctic wastelands.

12- Seiten we’re still trudging through all of the new features.

13- No longer do you have to spend hours trudging around over-heated stores.

14- Sure enough, another player was trudging out of the Orchard towards base.

15- Otherwise – they keep trudging on .

16- We resorted to trudging down to the commons room and pushing together couches.

17- But trudging along with Win 32 indefinitely obviously wasn’t going to cut it.

18- It’s our fault, she thought guiltily, trudging down the stairs.

19- Matron asked one of the boys trudging along with their lead boots on.

20- It has maximum impact when we’re trudging through the snow and the rain.

21- trudging on sans Dwight Howard is still a loss , but it was inevitable.

22- Mostly offsite shows today , so lots of trudging through the snow and slush.

23- trudging on, the men eventually give up their task in climbing the mountain.

24- Meanwhile, rank and file educators say they’re trudging through ever-increasing layers of bureaucracy.

25- It was mid-morning and tourists were trudging under the blazing sun towards Regent’s Park.

26- A little cow-boy, trudging along, wondered what we could be gazing at.

27- trudging through your bitter words.

28- trudging along the footpath through the Greenwich Marshes, Tamsin slows with every step.

29- We last glimpse them from a distance, trudging through deep snow, their future uncertain.

30- This sculpture is a miner trudging uphill with his trusty mule loaded up and following behind.

31- On the way down, step aside to make way for hikers trudging toward you.

32- trudging stoutly along the canal, he noticed how the autumn rains had swollen the waters.

33- So she flew on till she met two travellers trudging along, one behind the other.

34- It resembled trudging through quicksand.

35- I looked up to see some elderly women trudging up the hill for the afternoon mass.

36- Can you picture Elijah trudging up the stairs to his room (19-22)?

37- Chopper walked far, trudging with determination on his webbed hind feet and pigeon-toed front feet.

38- They were trudging through the blood-saturated mud , chilled air causing his hair to stand on end.

39- Instead, I felt I was trudging along a road – but not one of happy destiny.

40- Melkonian’s advance The following two days saw a massive refugee column of cars and trucks “laden with bundles… bumper to bumper” trudging through the intersection.

41- Puram Kazhchakal (Tenth segment) Puram Kazhchakal portrays a nameless man ( Mammootty ) aboard a bus trudging along a hill terrain.

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