true in a sentence 4

Use ‘true’ in a sentence | ‘true’ example sentences

151- It is true that he won first prize.

152- What he said turned out to be true.

153- What he said yesterday is not true.

154- It is true that he stole the pearl.

155- It is true that the earth is round.

156- Whoever may say so, it is not true.

157- He was always true to his promises.

158- A true friend would have helped me.

159- It is true that she teaches French.

160- He believes that the story is true.

161- What he says is true to some extent.

162- His biography is quite true to life.

163- That he is in love with her is true.

More Sentences: 1234
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This site is designed to teach you English words in context with collocations with the help of example sentences.
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and This is a fast way of learning the meaning of “true” with example sentences.
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You can practice spelling and usage of the word by getting 10 examples of sentences with “true”.
20 examples of simple sentences of “true“
We tried to find and publish the the words with Simple Sentences of “true“
Compound Sentences with “true”
Complex Sentences with “true”
Compound-Complex Sentences with “true

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