trudges in a sentence

Use ‘trudges’ in a sentence | ‘trudges’ example sentences

1- All those lonely main road trudges I had endured.

2- The ticket seller angrily refuses and Pingu trudges off.

3- Monk trudges back to Natalie’s house, feeling defeated.

4- The team trudges back in shame after barely escaping their crashing transport.

5- Pingu trudges mournfully on and eventually comes to an ice pool.

6- I wonder what he thinks as he trudges up the mountain.

7- Eases on his cap and trudges away towards the out field.

8- Buster Sword in hand, Cloud trudges off towards Midgar.

9- Rutherford trudges off looking gutted , and shooting withering glances at the pitch.

10- Yet Tsim trudges on through his mundane existence with a seemingly resigned acceptance.

11- MANHATTAN trudges through the sands toward the ghost town of Gila Flats.

12- He trudges along there on a Sunday, in hat, tie, dark suit.

13- Pingu trudges outside and sees one of his neighbours telling another about his successful fishing trip.

14- It trudges along and drags you with it, but ultimately it leaves you hanging.

15- Midwife Elspeth Howell trudges home to the isolated farmhouse that houses her husband and five children.

16- He disconsolately trudges back outside.

17- George trudges on in his effort to use the Raspberry Pi as an Echolink node .

18- Lucker seems to have ground his feet into the earth, and trudges with resolve towards me.

19- However, I would like to offer even more motivation for your daily trudges to the barn.

20- Still, the film trudges slowly along, and is more a study in character than a plot pleaser.

21- She smiles faintly at her own little joke, and trudges back into the back rooms for needed sleep.

22- Never looks in the mood , always twisting his face, shoulders slumped, trudges lazily back to his mark.

23- After two years, Zhivago at last deserts and trudges through the deep snow to Yuriatin where he finds Lara.

24- Instead, he trudges through an anonymous expedition crew, forcing character traits onto all of these meaningless walking plot devices.

25- When tired , he simply trudges towards this writer or his wife and goes off to sleep on either’s lap.

26- It was actually a piggy bank and The ball isn’t there, and Pingu apologizes to the stranger and trudges home.

27- He trudges ahead.

28- He trudges ahead.

29- He gets home exhausted, trudges off toward bed, and there on the pillow next to his wife is the mask from the Ritual.

30- He trudges ahead.

31- On a spring day in 1865 Gawain Harper trudges toward his home in Cumberland, Mississippi, where three years earlier he had boarded a train carrying the latest enlistees in the Mississippi Infantry.

32- After Isaac’s brief appearance, and as hurricane season trudges on in Florida this season, I am encouraging you to double check that you and your neighborhood have everything lined up in case of an emergency.

33- He trudges ahead.

34- Continue to use caution in your mercurial endeavors as Mercury trudges back to the position he was in before the retrograde which will take until 20th of March.

35- Damian: Son of Batman 3 (Published by DC Comics; Review by Pierce Lydon; ‘Rama Rating: 3 out of 10): The third installment of Andy Kubert’s bizarre Damian Wayne story trudges toward the end by adding even more to an already convoluted plot.

36- The number of tennis courts and associations within the Newfoundland and Labrador region gives tennis players here an incredible amount of opportunities for playing the game–even when it gets colder as the fall season trudges on.

37- Xue trudges through the doors, the temperature dropping even more as she does so, causing all the windows to fog over and cover in ice crystals.

38- Bozo stares up and down the road and wonders what to do before he finally fixes his bleary gaze where I hoped he would, and trudges away towards the phonebox. He disconsolately trudges back outside.

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