trucks in a sentence

Use ‘trucks’ in a sentence | ‘trucks’ example sentences

1- For smaller applications smaller trucks are used.

2- She says six more trucks are being loaded.

3- The garbage trucks are used pretty much everyday !

4- My family drove cars and pickup trucks .

5- Large trucks traveled the once quiet road carrying heavy equipment.

6- There is something truly magical about ice cream trucks .

7- The trucks are equipped with automatic snow chains.

8- If on certain roads trucks were banned outright?

9- Virtual supply trucks are the recommended supply rule.

10- Repair and rebuild before more missile trucks arrive.

11- There “new” trucks always breaking down.

12- The convoy was joined by six civilian trucks .

13- They were legitimate and loaded onto trucks .

14- An engine and several trucks were derailed.

15- The subterranean passages were used by coal trucks .

16- The mainly used vehicles are motorcycles and pickup trucks .

17- These containers are transported by special trucks .

18- A third lane was designated for trucks .

19- trucks hauled off 280 tons of debris.

20- Furniture and larger household belongings were loaded onto trucks .

21- The 402 label was used in light pickup trucks .

22- Cargo volume was meager compared with pickup trucks .

23- Heavy trucks are usually powered with diesel engines.

24- The uranium and heavy water were loaded onto trucks .

25- Diesel trucks exhaust is another major source of winter smog.

26- Most fashion trucks are larger than 20.

27- The trucks were immediately set on fire .

28- Drivers caught outside their trucks are levied $ 50 fines.

29- Then fire trucks started roaring down the street .

30- The trucks are later set on fire .

31- His fire trucks are rusty and broken down .

32- US tariffs distinguish between passenger cars and light trucks .

33- Military transport trucks are located near the camp.

34- This bridge is still being used by heavy trucks .

35- The country folk were mostly driving trucks covered in mud.

36- This movement required nearly a thousand trucks .

37- Soon, trucks carrying armed anarchists arrived.

38- No cars or trucks disturbed the peace.

39- Three trucks equipped with special boxes transported the trees.

40- There are 10 trucks in the convoy. Two trucks bumped together.

41- The road was crowded with trucks.

42- Cars, buses, and trucks are all vehicles.

43- Robots are now used in the manufacture of cars and trucks.

44- Any trucks which carry flammable liquids carry warning signs.

45- Any trucks which carry dangerous chemicals carry warning signs.

46- He left his toy trucks outside for a few weeks and they got all rusted.

47- The vast rail network of our country is being replaced by cars and trucks.

48- They loaded the trucks with emergency supplies for the earthquake victiMs. My grandfather once owned a moving business with a small fleet of 5 trucks.

49- trucks transporting volatile chemicals are not permitted within the city limits.

50- A freight train carrying dangerous chemicals flipped over, and there were about 10 fire trucks on the scene.

More Sentences: 1234
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truckingtruckletruckle bedtrucklestrucklingtruckloadtruckloadstruckstruculencetruculenttruculent attitudetruculentlytrudgetrudgedtrudges

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