transported in a sentence

Use ‘transported’ in a sentence | ‘transported’ example sentences

1- Coal was seldom transported far from coastal harbours.

2- The material removed was transported to designated “dump sites”.

3- These containers are transported by special trucks.

4- Their roofs are usually transported as separate units.

5- Other political prisoners were transported to closer places.

6- Nuclear materials are generally transported by specialized transport companies.

7- They were eaten locally but more often transported inland.

8- The white phosphorus is transported in molten form.

9- Two or three doctors are twice transported each self.

10- My plants are quite small yet so easily transported .

11- He had transported 100 small vessels across Mt.

12- These nutrients are transported throughout the body by blood circulation.

13- Three trucks equipped with special boxes transported the trees.

14- All items will be easily transported home.

15- This usually happens when the oil is being transported .

16- Wild hog may not be transported alive.

17- The person must notify the mover that firearms are being transported .

18- Used air is transported to a heat pump system.

19- Both were transported to a local hospital.

20- One individual was transported by a private vehicle.

21- She was transported to a hospital via helicopter.

22- Why are such weapons transported at all?

23- Packaging requirements vary based on the hazardous material being transported .

24- Donna is transported back too far away to contact herself directly.

25- Each brick transported added $250 to the pot.

26- Assume that each rod is parallel transported along the trajectory.

27- Military personnel were transported to assist in recovery efforts.

28- They are transported in open bags to avoid fermentation.

29- In the 1980s 150 million people were transported .

30- Coal was transported to the gas works.

31- Over half of those transported by car were similarly exposed.

32- Ten tons of iron and 70 persons were transported nine miles.

33- The items transported on the canal varied.

34- Troops were often transported in transports declared as material transports.

35- He was transported to a black hospital further away.

36- The molecules are then transported through vacuum onto a substrate.

37- Water was transported from it using underground channels.

38- Large quantities of sand is being transported through lorries and tractors.

39- Three injured persons were transported from the scene.

40- The driver was transported to hospital in . He was transported with joy.

41- Oil is transported by tanker.

42- The goods were transported by ship.

43- Many goods are now transported by air.

44- We transported the computer to the office.

45- Many goods are transported at midnight by truck.

46- He was transported to the hospital by helicopter.

47- piterkeoThe government transported goods to the island by helicopter.

48- Mail was transported by jet plane for the first time in June of 1946.

49- Oil is transported from Alaska to the U.S. by tanker.

50- African religions were brought to Cuba by the thousands of slaves transported to the island by the Spanish.

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