transport in a sentence

Use ‘transport’ in a sentence | ‘transport’ example sentences

1- Nor does cheaper public transport help much.

2- All current passenger restrictions exempt transporting family members.

3- transport capacity is 3 + 14 troops.

4- Public transport services are limited between neighborhoods.

5- These close contacts are particularly common during animal transport .

6- Other areas needing management include ambulance transport .

7- It has considerably improved urban public transport .

8- The transport infrastructure has been greatly improved.

9- A neuron transports information through nerve impulse.

10- The nearest public transport links are 25 metres away .

11- A massive investment in improving local transport infrastructure.

12- Also transport costs to markets are high.

13- The burgeoning air transport industry is presenting huge opportunities for enterprise.

14- I suspect open transport is the main offender.

15- All patients required emergency transport to local hospitals.

16- There were 65 air transport deaths recorded in 1995.

17- Better public transport is essential to save energy.

18- transport arrangements within the market are strictly regulated.

19- The roll transport originally played only 65 note rolls.

20- The following local taxi companies can provide wheelchair accessible transport .

21- Auto transport quotes and car shipping rates.

22- Liquid biofuels used for transport are particularly controversial.

23- What kind of public transport is available?

24- I prefer stone tablets but printed books transport much better.

25- Does a car transport company offer free quotes?

26- Our group transports run coast to coast every week.

27- We transport only 4 pets per van.

28- Keep produce away from petrol fumes during transport .

29- The older male elephants were too big to transport .

30- The route helped to transport needed supplies.

31- Freight transport volume remains at low levels.

32- When transport is achieved it is instantaneous.

33- A natural stream channel which transports reservoir releases.

34- The transport related death rate rises rapidly between 15 and 18.

35- Allowance had probably been made for transport costs.

36- The transport typically takes months while hungry people grow more desperate.

37- No effect on fluid transport was seen.

38- The transport controls in audio apps are another software example.

39- How does active transport differ from passive transport?

40- How does active transport differ from passive transport ? What form of transport will we take?

41- His discovery gave rise to a revolution in transport.

42- Commuters were deprived of their transport by the strike.

43- The box was crushed during transport and the contents flew out.

44- DelianYou can eliminate transport costs by picking it up at the store yourself.

45- The venue for the conference has excellent transport and parking facilities.

46- The Irrawaddy River is the main route for transport of goods and people in Burma.

47- The modern elevator was originally invented in order to transport barrels of flour.

48- It took 214 crates to transport the Statue of Liberty from France to New York in 1885.

49- A housefly can transport germs over 12 miles from the original source of contamination.

50- A housefly can transport germs as far as 15 miles away from the original source of contamination.

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