transposes in a sentence

Use ‘transposes’ in a sentence | ‘transposes’ example sentences

1- Ne7 although this move usually transposes to the main line.

2- Rd1! transposes to the above line.

3- Jesus transposes the Spirit into a fully personal key.

4- This additional requirement transposes CRD article 141(9).

5- Nxf3 Bf5 transposes directly to the 6.

6- Qc3 transposes in the same position as after 5.

7- The latter transposes the EU Water Framework Directive into French law.

8- Nf3 Nc6 transposes , but 3.e4!

9- Nc6 normally transposes into one of the other lines).

10- Qd5) transposes to the Hungarian Defense.

11- The buffalo sacrifice depiction transposes into ritual Durga’s feat killing the buffalo demon.

12- Arriety transposes the story from 1950’s England to modern day Tokyo.

13- Nf3 usually transposes to 5.

14- Bourdieu transposes the base-superstructure model into a system of coexisting fields.

15- Nc3 transposes to the Four Knights Game, Spanish Variation.

16- Nxc3 transposes to the 5.

17- Nce2 transposes to the Shirov–Anand Variation; a trap is 7.

18- The argument transposes , however.

19- transposes the highly successful “18xx” series of railroad board games into the asteroid belt.

20- What is transposes about if it isn’t about bears or twinks? you ask.

21- A combination of silver and gold with pastel crayons transposes the factory rooms into almost mythical spaces.

22- Nxd4 Bd7 transposes to the Steinitz Defense in the Ruy Lopez.

23- The name “” transposes two of the letters of the name “United.

24- Brueghel transposes the Roman ruins of Tivoli to the edges of a rocky, wooded coastline.

25- This version transposes the nana cadence a tetrachord lower on G (πλ δ’).

26- Among other services, a relay operator transposes messages from type to voice and voice to type mediums.

27- This creates fear in the public and this fear transposes itself into calls for harsher laws and penalties.

28- Space Western transposes themes of the American Western books and film to a backdrop of futuristic space frontiers.

29- If point is at the end of the line, then this transposes the two characters before point.

30- Bc4 intending 5.f3 (which often transposes to the O’Kelly Defence).

31- transposes the characters to either side of the insertion point and advances the insertion point past both of them.

32- As a painter he transposes the letters into small colored squares on the last folding leaf of his book.

33- By the definition of a unitary matrix, the same is true for their conjugate transposes __FORMULA__ and __FORMULA__.

34- If point is at the end of the line, this transposes the last two words on the line.

35- The album effectively transposes the greatest Lana Lane songs to a live setting with the typical additional solo instrumental excursions.

36- Nc3, which transposes into the Dunst Opening after 2…d4 or 2…dxe4.

37- Even though this suggestion transposes the meaning of the Gulf War, it is a typically Baudrillardian formulation of simulation.

38- Nc3 transposes to the Scandinavian Defense . After 3…e5, White’s thematic move is 4. These openings have some similarities with each other, in particular the Bishop’s Opening frequently transposes to variations of the Vienna Game.

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