transportation in a sentence 2

Use ‘transportation’ in a sentence | ‘transportation’ example sentences

51- jakovBoston recently hosted an important conference on urban transportation.

52- Railways are the most reliable form of commercial transportation in Uganda.

53- Our monthly income has to cover food, rent, clothing, transportation, and so on.

54- A mother orangutan is the provider of food, warmth, and transportation for her baby.

55- The government has created a task force to look at transportation alternatives.

56- tasteDiscussion question: How do you think transportation will be different 20 years from now? trapBecause of modern communication and transportation systems, the world is getting smaller.

57- Bicycles are a popular form of transportation for students at the University of Victoria.

58- I reckon on the tournament costing us about $300 for our hotel, food, and transportation.

59- Public transportation in Barcelona is provided by buses, subways, railways and cable cars.

60- Today, automobiles have taken the place of horses as the principal means of transportation.

61- All forms of public transportation are on strike today, so you’d better get out your bicycles.

62- In 1948, the Soviet Union blockaded all transportation routes between Berlin and West Germany.

63- The Toyo Hotel has a free transportation service from the airport to the hotel for their guests.

64- The country’s poor transportation infrastructure is hindering development of the export industry.

65- Bus fares in Cuba are very cheap, so many people use the bus as their main form of transportation.

66- The photographs have been organized into thematic groups, such as animals, love, and transportation.

67- Participating in the general meeting raised my awareness of the new technologies in data transportation.

68- The report outlines the economic benefits of bicycling and walking as alternative modes of transportation.

69- The camel can withstand severe dehydration, making it the perfect animal for transportation in the desert.

70- In my opinion, bicycle lanes on our roads legitimize the bicycle as a means of transportation in our cities.

71- The transportation infrastructure in the country needs to be developed to accommodate the increase in tourism.

72- Whenever we go skiing, we try to go in a group, so we can share expenses such as transportation, accommodation and food.

73- The transportation system of Hungary is quite extensive, and includes the oldest subway system on the European continent.

74- The elaborate network of canals which run through and around Bangkok recall a time when all transportation relied on boats.

75- The transportation system of Vancouver includes gas-powered buses, electric buses, sea buses, and light rapid-transit trains.

76- South Africa’s government has developed an efficient transportation industry to cater to the ever-expanding tourism industry.

77- A group of parents organized transportation for the high school graduates to their party so that no one would drink and drive.

78- The transportation system of Vancouver integrates gas-powered buses, electric buses, sea buses, and light rapid-transit trains.

79- The Libyan government has used its oil revenues to make massive new investments in cities, transportation systems, and social prograMs. Nowadays, service industries, such as banking, transportation, and retail sales employ more people in this country than any other type of industry.

80- In March of 1888, a severe blizzard hit the Atlantic coast of North America, killing over 400 people, and closing communication and transportation lines for three days.

81- It excludes the transportation, real estate and agriculture sectors.

82- The transportation Safety Board is investigating the March 29 crash.

83- The State transportation Board is voting on the final five-year plan.

84- Boosters said it could mean cheaper bus transportation for thousands.

85- Anderson’s term with the State transportation Board ends in December.

86- Disney said it wants to put a new transportation project in the spot.

87- 916334We see people sharing their cars, using public transportation.

88- 363635In New England, transportation officials took many precautions.

89- The second proposition, for $100,000, is for transportation equipment.

90- All that money, however, would have to be dedicated to transportation.

91- Police and the transportation Safety Board of Canada are investigating.

92- transportation leaders say if the cost makes kids safer, it’s worth it.

93- The report was presented today at City Hall’s transportation Committee.

94- The National transportation Safety Board is investigating the incident.

95- Money Talks News How are lower oil prices changing transportation costs?

96- Back on Highway 58, transportation crews were scraping mud off the road.

97- For one, we need to continue investing more into railway transportation.

98- Democrats are proposing tax increases for transportation and health care.

99- Local transportation – A local bus outside the Pyongyang railway station.

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