training in a sentence 4

Use ‘training’ in a sentence | ‘training’ example sentences

151- SHOP: Eagles training Camp sportswear Who is the Eagles’ defensive leader?

152- And yes, it’s “easy” even for those who’ve had zero training in animation.

153- We do continuous training with our burial teams so that they remain alert.

154- It also will seek advanced training for rail inspection vehicle operators.

155- Annaorazov conceded in the 14th minute at the GFA National training Center.

156- Vocational training is another area where Germany is PM Modi’s role model.”

157- The agency did not release further details on the accident or the training.

158- 943212Will decide on Chris Phillips when training camp begins in the fall.

159- He stressed that the Ukrainian army shows much better training than before.

160- And it ultimately raises questions about the limits of the civics training.

161- SHOP: Eagles training Camp sportswear And in Week 4, Bill Belichick rested.

162- Give wannabe soldiers with no training all the military hardware they want.

163- Construction has begun on the Joyce Gauthier Behaviour and training Centre.

More Sentences: 1234
Related Words:
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