training in a sentence

Use ‘training’ in a sentence | ‘training’ example sentences

1- Successful interventions are subsequently promoted through training .

2- We run bespoke writing training courses nationwide.

3- There is little career progression without undertaking further training .

4- In general police received little professional training .

5- A workable training methodology has finally been developed.

6- No headaches during long high tempo training either.

7- Bad training methods are bad training methods.

8- Bad training methods are bad training methods.

9- The spectacular training sessions are worth seeing.

10- A second route is through conversion training .

11- No documented employee training records were submitted.

12- We recommend media training every 6 months.

13- The online course had several training modules.

14- training movement is important before lifting heavy weight.

15- Other branches are developing common training patterns.

16- Each training level is worth $21.

17- Do specific attention effects needs specific training ?

18- Local dog training classes are often available.

19- The port cleaner however requires relatively less training .

20- Leaders attend institutional training courses following appropriate career development models.

21- Their final spring training record was 12–13–2.

22- An intensive overseas training program was immediately undertaken.

23- Functional boss behaviors four part training course.

24- Professional status was gained through corporate training .

25- Many local child protective service organizations conduct classroom training .

26- What compliance training modules must student employees complete?

27- The district has offered automotive technician training programs since 1971.

28- There are approximately 15 accredited athletic training masters programs.

29- Smaller training sessions were held every six weeks.

30- British medical training has been reorganized recently.

31- The basic training period lasts 90 days.

32- Written examinations are usually performed during training .

33- training lasts 6–12 months total.

34- training was conducted within local military districts.

35- The soldiers were conducting radiation monitor training .

36- He had gone through martial arts training .

37- A $ 40 million basketball training center is already under construction.

38- Our military training had otherwise been minimal.

39- An elite athlete endless pool training tank.

40- It has been training health professionals since 1924. This training includes academical and vocational courses and mandatory internships in law firms.

41- They sweated through eight abbreviated weeks of basic training.

42- Give him rigid training.

43- He is training a horse for a race.

44- I ran away from the training camp.

45- I am training a horse for the race.

46- He cannot put up with hard training.

47- Does my training qualify me to teach?

48- I prepared for the game by training hard.

49- He gave up under the severe training he faced.

50- I am training hard so that I may win the race.

More Sentences: 1234
Related Words:
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