training in a sentence 3

Use ‘training’ in a sentence | ‘training’ example sentences

101- Paul Nation states that when learners are given training in guessing the meaning of new vocabulary from context, they should work with texts where at least 95% of the words are familiar to them.

102- “It’s something I’ve expected from the first day of spring training.

103- He says the training is all about maximising their natural response.

104- Both join up immediately with Luzon’s squad for pre-season training.

105- It has been a very win-win situation for their training, Black said.

106- Flight controllers are regularly in training and providing training.

107- There’s nowhere in the training matrix that you will ever see that.”

108- Not too impressive considering “training” of local forces has been..

109- He oversees the training, financing, and arming of Tehran’s proxies.

110- The NOPD is no stranger to controversy with field training officers.

111- It was also a farm life opposite a training center for young riders.

112- Stickers and prizes for good behavior, potty training, what have you.

113- Host a seminar, training, webinar or other similar educational event.

114- Whalen said he will be looking at policies, supervision and training.

115- Hauschka said he kicked a 65-yarder in practice during training camp.

116- Staff is training at 1430 Walnut St. in advance of a June 23 opening.

117- 18665A doctor’s training hasn’t historically focused on sensitivity.

118- Strength training, according to the recent research and fitness pros.

119- The group had completed six of the 10 days in their training program.

120- The happy pair participate in dog training competitions together now.

121- The Utah training site isn’t the only place to simulate Mars missions.

122- Mary Kitzmiller has been training horses all over the world for years.

123- London’s “cabbies” undergo stringent training before they’re licensed.

124- She had only started training for the competition seven months before.

125- Members were dispatched for two years of training in China and Russia.

126- But this was just training, training that had some very real elements.

127- This, in turn, affects the quality of training and their exam results.

128- Another benefit: Empathy training appears to combat physician burnout.

129- You want them training and focused on what they do best, playing ball!

130- Instead of de-escalation, using words, or crisis intervention training.

131- At the time, Storch was 101 and training for the 2014 Canada 55+ Games.

132- “He didn’t really like to be with people much but we were training him.

133- Leaning on her fine arts training, she poses them in a classical style.

134- 925441What military training – or even most sports – can report that?”

135- Most of the men who serve under Nut are away for training when we visit.

136- Learning in the field The enthusiastic amateurs have no formal training.

137- Of the six finishing their training, Zilbert says some aren’t going far.

138- 86544At first, the certification training felt overwhelming to Degener.

139- The Pentagon made no mention of Assad in announcing the training effort.

140- Nearly 3,000 Bundeswehr soldiers will take part in this year’s training.

141- Improvements include enhanced testing and training, among other measures.

142- A Santa-in-training wanders the aisles at Toys R Us in Saginaw, Michigan.

143- 391346It has struggled to incorporate de-escalation into other training.

144- They headed for the Mediterranean Sea, officially for a training mission.

145- He said police often did not receive enough training because of the cost.

146- The initial segment of the training program will involve about 90 rebels.

147- Much of a pilot’s training is carried out in state-of-the-art simulators.

148- Mental Toughness training for JMTA is provided by Dr. Domagoj Lausic, Ph.

149- Simulators are also used to monitor the responses of doctors in training.

150- The program has a far greater impact than simply training future baristas.

More Sentences: 1234
Related Words:
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