towered in a sentence

Use ‘towered’ in a sentence | ‘towered’ example sentences

1- I ts dramatic towered façade dominates the entire town.

2- These figures towered over the 23 percent national average .

3- It was a dazzling white monster that towered above our berth.

4- The rock towered on the horizon where the posts had been.

5- The tall man towered over his father, vigorous and proud.

6- The twin white towered palace building is distinct among the 20 odd buildings.

7- Theo towered above me with a wide smile across her face.

8- Michael was over six feet tall and towered over Larry.

9- Filthy plates towered over every available surface .

10- I stood up and towered over her.

11- Two of them towered over the rest.

12- Vamana grew in size until he towered above the heavens.

13- Anderson towered above it, carefully sharpening his knife.

14- He literally and metaphorically towered above his fellow Brazilians.

15- The flames towered above the table, threatening to reach the ceiling.

16- With 500 hrs I have had no problems at non towered airports .

17- This is why the image is so greatly stretched ( towered ).

18- Fred towered above him seething with hate.

19- Mounds of corpses towered above the hosts.

20- Over the roof towered four massive chimneys of a reddish-yellow tone.

21- The massive corrugated-iron sheds towered above the mean houses clustering round them.

22- The tip of the dome itself towered 76 ft above the pavement below.

23- The crags towered over them, smooth and cruel.

24- The Hilton Hotel towered indifferently against the Nairobi sky.

25- Are you close to a major power structure such as towered power lines?

26- Bragg stepped forward, so that he towered over the office manager.

27- The bulk of the mound towered over Mungo, intimidating him.

28- At 6′ 3″, Quinn often towered over his co-workers.

29- As we approached, industrial cranes towered hundreds of feet over our heads.

30- Ahead towered Robinsgrove – such a large house for one unhappy man.

31- Horse and rider towered above her.

32- Big for his age, he towered over Garry who was eleven.

33- Close above him, the two Masters towered , with spread wings.

34- Majestic snow-capped peaks towered over sweeping flower-strewn plains.

35- He towered over everybody like a strapping Gallic chieftain.

36- They towered high above the sandy streets and afforded the city an impressive skyline.

37- He towered over her, breathing hard, trying to curb his temper.

38- He stood up and towered over her, his silvery eyes blazing.

39- Cameras hovered nearby , and klieg lighting towered over the street.

40- Around 30 families dominated this period and the banking groups towered above them all. The noble fir trees towered high above the forest floor.

41- The trees towered over the loggers who were preparing to cut them down.

42- The huge, old trees towered above us as we made our way through the forest.

43- We could see the flame at the top of the stack that towered above the refinery.

44- I was kind of short in elementary school, and the girls I liked were always so tall that they absolutely towered over me.

45- Piles of clear, brown and green bottles for recycling towered outside the complex.

46- After Goforth crumpled to the ground, the suspect towered over him and fired several more shots.

47- The wall is mainly extant, and is pierced by a twin-towered Norman gatehouse.

48- The Koryo Hotel is an ultramodern, twin-towered structure forty-five stories high.

49- The name Turritella comes from the Latin word turritus meaning “turreted” or “towered” and the diminutive suffix -ella.

50- The Grand Duke also towered over the Tsar, so they were nicknamed “Nicholas the Tall” and “Nicholas the Short”, respectively.

More Sentences: 12
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