towels in a sentence

Use ‘towels’ in a sentence | ‘towels’ example sentences

1- Free steamed towels are available upon request.

2- Applying hot moist towels may help relieve discomfort.

3- High quality white cotton bed linen and towels supplied.

4- Wash dish cloths and tea towels frequently.

5- Bed linen towels and tea towels are provided.

6- Bed linen towels and tea towels are provided.

7- Good quality linen and towels much appreciated.

8- All bed linen and towels are supplied.

9- All bed linen and towels are provided.

10- Room service and beach towels are provided without additional charge.

11- I stopped buying paper towels all together.

12- There were fresh soaps and clean towels .

13- Dish clothes and tea towels are included.

14- Very clean, towels changed 6 days per week.

15- Bed linen and towels are all provided.

16- What kind of guy would buy hand towels ?

17- Use paper towels to pat the meat dry.

18- Wet towels and water were my best friends.

19- We had just finished talking about room towels .

20- His brethren spread before him linen cloths and towels .

21- Please bring your own towels for both properties.

22- Beach towels are provided for all guests.

23- Please provide your own soap and towels .

24- Remove and drain on dry paper towels .

25- Fresh bed linen and towels provided once a week.

26- All bedding and towels are also supplied.

27- Does the rental price include linen and towels ?

28- Continue to replace until towels no longer absorb moisture.

29- They make money by selling small towels .

30- Remove excess fat and dry lamb with paper towels .

31- The building is let with linen and towels .

32- Bed linen and all towels are provided.

33- We use two beach towels per lounge chair.

34- Do not share clothes or towels while infected.

35- You may bring 2 paper towels if you wish.

36- But towels and a water cooler are provided.

37- The towels are nice and the toilets are powerful.

38- Line a large plate with paper towels .

39- I would strongly suggest giving bamboo towels a try.

40- Use cloth towels or a scarf instead . Drain on absorbent paper towels and keep warm.

41- Cloth towels are absorbent and can be used repeatedly.

42- Shared ablutions close by and linen and towels provided.

43- The towels are dirty.

44- She folded up the towels and put them away in the cupboard.

45- The boys were trying to whip each other with their wet towels.

46- I like the Japanese custom of offering guests moist towels, called oshibori.

47- The boys were in the changeroom, laughing and trying to flick each other with their wet towels.

48- “We definitely need more bath towels, because they’re quite absorbent.

49- Poverty underpins many girls’ lack of access to disposable sanitary towels.

50- Donations of food, towels, and toys were also made by generous residents of Eagle County.

More Sentences: 12
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